was surprised at how close the words were. They would have

spoiled dinner, and she wanted to enjoy it. It had been a long,

long time since anyone had done anything like this for her. She

couldn’t recall the last time someone made her so much as a

sandwich, let alone dinner, and going out for food didn’t


“How did you have time to do this with your classes?”

“Oh, my last one ends at two thirty. It only took me half an

hour to drive back here, so I had time.” Emily went on eating,

chewing slowly. She didn’t watch Dani, didn’t pry silently or

softly with her eyes. The silence between them was

comfortable. “Those paintings are dry,” Emily said after a few

minutes. “You could take them down to the store tomorrow. If

you want to. I meant it. You can have all the money from


“What if you need it?”

Emily sighed. “I’m more hopeful today that I won’t.”

“You mean that you’ll go back to your parents’ house and

they’ll change their minds?”

“I’m just – I don’t know. I don’t know how all of that will


Of course, Emily would go back and live there. That was

her world. That was what she wanted. She was only here

because she’d needed a place to crash.

Dani made it clear the night before that she didn’t do

strings. That the marriage was still fake even if they’d

consummated it. She should have felt a huge amount of relief.

She should have been thankful that Emily would get out of her

hair and that she wouldn’t have time to work her way any

deeper under her skin, but suddenly the food didn’t taste quite