find them out.

Dani shook off the shiver that crawled up her spine and

willed the memories to dissipate. They did that sometimes.

Snuck up on her without warning.

“Andi?” Dani called. She waited a minute, then she heard

the gentle steps of her employee.

Andi was a nice girl. She was a political studies major, but

she never talked about her classes at work, so Dani was

willing to forgive her for studying such a wretched thing. Andi

was one of those odd people who was something more. She

was truly kind and easy-going and even easier to like. Dani

found that she got along with Andi just fine, and that was

saying a lot because Dani didn’t just get along with most

people. Which she knew was her own fault.

She always had her guard up and her past had given her a

thick skin and brick walls around the parts of her that used to

be soft and innocent. She was prickly at best, and she could

count on one hand the number of people who could actually

stand her company for more than half an hour at a time. Andi

was one of them. Her best friend Cassie was another.

That was pretty much it. One hand didn’t have to mean five.

“Alright. Let’s go.” She cocked her head to the back room.

“You can head on back. Just through the beaded curtain and to

the right. I’m just going to grab the deck and I’ll be right


Summer went, but not before casting a sidelong glance at

Andi, like she needed some sort of encouragement that she

wasn’t going to be hacked to bits back there.

“What are you plotting?” Andi asked, barely containing a

laugh as Dani grabbed one of her special decks from a wooden