apartment. It was impossible to pretend she didn’t want to

know what Emily had done all day. She had class, yes, but had

she painted? Had she made dinner again? It shouldn’t have

been easy for Dani, someone who was more than used to

going home to an empty house, to enjoy having someone

there. In the past, she hadn’t even wanted to go back to

wherever she was staying. She’d hardly called those places

home. She shouldn’t have craved companionship, but ever

since meeting Emily, she realized how lonely she’d been, and

how she’d done that as a way to keep herself safe.

It seemed so strange to her that she’d ever thought that not

forming attachments was preferable to not getting hurt. Why

had she ever thought that way? And how could she have

changed her mind so drastically in just a few days?

It shouldn’t feel this right. The fact that it did scared her

more than anything because nothing had fundamentally


Dani looked up, her hand on the bolt, as a large shadow

caught her attention. The shadow belonged to a tall, broad

man. Middle aged, but still fit. He was wearing a black suit,

complete with the white dress shirt and black tie. Overly

formal, and since it was brutally hot out, he must be sweltering

in the full dress. Dani recognized him instantly. She wasn’t

fast enough to slip the bolt into place before he tried the door.

She stepped back quickly, leaping away from it as if he was a

great big spider dressed in a suit, coming to invade her store

with his spidery creepiness.

Dani hated spiders. She’d never made her peace with them,

and NOLA had some big ones.

“Can I help you find anything?” Dani forced out. Her voice