already knew he was going to get his way. Was there ever a

time in his life when a man like him hadn’t gotten his way?

Dani was disgusted with everything. With him. With herself.

“I don’t want Emily to have to do something for the rest of

her life that she doesn’t want to do,” Radcliffe stated, using his

caring tone again. “I’ll make her the owner of whatever

building you would like. She’ll be your landlord. The rental

rate will be the same as what you pay now. That will ensure

that whatever happens to Emily, whatever path she chooses,

she’ll always have a small amount of money coming in to help

her. I don’t know if her mom will help her with her art—”

“It should speak for itself,” Dani butted in. “She’s an

amazing artist.”

Radcliffe studied her until she felt like squirming on the


“Yes,” he finally said. “I believe she is. So, if that’s the path

she really wants to choose, she can. She’ll have something to

fall back on as long as she owns property. Once she has one

building, she could invest in others. Build a life for herself that

way. It would give her the freedom to do what she truly wants.

Now. If you really care about Emily, or care about her at all,

you’ll agree to that because you’ll realize that you’re giving

her what she wants most in the world. Her art. You’re giving

her a chance to succeed. To have a great future and a good life.

If you don’t agree, then my offer is off the table. You’ll have

to figure out how to deal with your rental problems on your

own and Emily will be cut off. We won’t offer her any future

help or money, and that includes paying for her to finish her

degree next year. She’ll have to learn the hard way how tough

the world can be, which I believe you know. I doubt she’ll