after that.”

Dani knew she should be more sensible about this. She was

giving up so much just to survive. She should care, but she

found she’d been outwitted and outplayed, and if it was

already predetermined that she lose, she should do it all the


“I don’t care,” she whispered. “Pick the one you think is

best for Emily to own. If you care about her, then do that for

her. Send me the contract tomorrow. I will have a lawyer go

over it and make sure it’s airtight, so don’t try to trick me, or

I’ll go to the media with all of this.” She pointed up to the

camera in the corner, which didn’t record sound, but Radcliffe

didn’t have to know that. “I’ve had that on the whole time. It’s

captured this entire conversation. If you don’t want the world

to think you’ve bought your way back into your daughter’s

life, you won’t try to trick me.”

Radcliffe nodded solemnly. He looked relieved, which only

made Dani’s heart ache further. He was getting his daughter

back. That’s really what he wanted. He really did love her.

He’d come in here, read Dani right, played his cards perfectly,

used every advantage he had. He’d been ruthless, but he’d

done it for the sake of his daughter.

Dani found, as Radcliffe unlocked the door and showed

himself out, that she couldn’t hate him for that. She turned her

daggers on herself, but even that got old and she set them


She couldn’t hate herself either. She’d done what she had to

do and for once, it was more than

survival. She’d done it not

because she wanted to save herself, even though that made the