“Sure.” Dani set the deck of cards on the table and did her

best not to appear threatening. Andi was right. It was better not

to scare the customers away.

“This is going to sound really out there, but—”

“Don’t worry. I can tell you’ve never had this done before,

and I’ll assure you that the cards are harmless. They’re not

about telling the future, per se, not like how people imagine

they are. Nothing bad is going to happen to you because you

came in here. There isn’t any weird voodoo about this, and the

devil is certainly not connected with it.” Dani had given some

version of that speech many times over the years. A dismal

amount of times. “It’s more about introspection. Using the

cards to look inside. Everything is subjective.”

Summer shifted in her seat. She had set her purse by the

table, and Dani noticed it for the first time. It was expensive. A

designer label that cost a couple grand. Either Summer had a

sugar daddy to spoil her or she came from money. She stared

at the tarot deck, her expression somewhere between

fascination and disgust. Wary but excited.

Old money, Dani decided. She imagined Summer came

from the kind of family with a mom and a dad. She’d probably

slept between fresh white sheets every night that neither of her

parents ever laundered because they had someone else to do

that for them. Summer was probably half of a two point two

kids living in a house with a white picket fence.

No, not her. The longer Dani looked at Summer, the more

expensive and exotic she looked. Her hair was probably soft if

pulled out of that bun, highlighted, lowlighted or whatever else

people did with their hair, devoid of any split ends. Her hands

were nicely manicured, the nails square and trim, without