much, letting someone in?

Emily wasn’t going to let her go without some sort of fight.

She was going to fight for Dani. She wasn’t just going to let

her walk away like that. “We could, I don’t know, go slowly.

We could get an annulment and just date like regular people.

Learn how to be friends, get to know each other. I care about

you, Dani.”

“I know,” Dani said thinly. “I know you do, and that’s the

problem. This was supposed to be platonic. I really don’t have

any room in my life right now for a relationship. I feel like

you’re really settling in here. You’re making casseroles and

baking cookies and this…this isn’t real.” She spun around

then, her face a mask, but her eyes pleading for Emily to


Emily did, but she wasn’t going to make it easy for Dani to

do this. She couldn’t make it easy because she’d never forgive

herself if she didn’t try now. She might not get the chance

later. “But I think we have something good. I feel it. I know

you do too. I know you’re probably scared because it’s been

literally just a couple of days, but we really could get an

annulment and just take things one step at a time. I’ll go back

home if that’s what you want. I know me being here for so

long probably makes your apartment feel cramped and I’ve

just intruded on your life. That wasn’t part of the original deal.

I’m sorry things changed like that. I’m really not trying to rush


Dani shook her head. “I’ve been thinking hard about it, and

I do feel something. I do, Emily, but that’s not enough.

Sometimes what we feel isn’t always accurate.”

“But I’ve never felt this way about anyone, so it has to be