intrusion on Dani’s privacy, and it would also remind Emily of

the things she didn’t want to ever forget, but also would rather

not think about when she was walking out the door, and maybe

even out of someone’s life.

She opened the door and paused just outside once she’d set

her bags down on the deck. She wanted to talk about what she

owed Dani, but then she thought better of it. Throwing around

talk of money right now would only make both of them feel

worse. Dani was trying to be tough. Emily could tell. She was

trying to make this decision for both of them.

Emily wished she could find something to say to make Dani

change her mind. It was hard, feeling something and not really

knowing if someone else truly felt it too. It was harder

assuming they did and being wrong.

Was she wrong? Emily didn’t know. Dani was right that she

was too inexperienced, both in the past and with Dani herself.

She didn’t really know her. That was the hard truth. She

wanted to, but if Dani wasn’t willing to let that happen, Emily

didn’t want to think about how she’d have to accept it. It was

too painful to wade through all those thoughts.

“I’ll call you in a few days,” she said simply, and closed the


She carted her bags down the steps, leaving behind Dani’s

little apartment with the lace and the colorful rooms and the

TV she always had on with the sound off. She was leaving

behind Mr. Pickles, that ancient, scraggly ball of love, all the

cactuses on the counter, all the furniture from different eras.

She was leaving behind the cookies she’d baked and the nights

they’d shared. She was leaving behind parts of herself she

didn’t even know existed, good parts. Wonderful parts. She’d