backpack off as an afterthought and let it hit the floor. Her

mom eyed it warily, like it might contain something deadly

like books that gave a person independent thought or perhaps a

coiled rattlesnake. They’d be equally as terrible in her mom’s


“How many times have we had this conversation?” Sandra

asked, sighing loudly.

She examined her perfectly manicured nails. As per usual,

they were done with the little white tips. Her mom believed

that painting one’s nails was hokey, but that little bit of white

paint on the tip was somehow perfectly acceptable. It was like

a metaphor for her family’s double standards.

Emily had come along as an afterthought. Her mom would

never admit as much, but Emily’s brothers were far older than

she was. Jason was thirty-four, Sam thirty-two. She’d felt that

way her whole life. Like an afterthought. Ignored. Her parents

had her life planned out for her since she was born, as though

that plotting could make up for the fact that she’d been an

unwelcome addition into an already established family.

All her life, Emily had gone along with what her parents

wanted. She read so many quotes that talked about living, not

just merely existing. She wanted to do that. She wanted to take

chances and be brave, but her parents were set to thwart it at

every turn.

Sandra feigned exhaustion, which was exactly what Emily

expected. Because yes, Emily was indeed the most exhausting

daughter and Sandra didn’t have time to deal with her being

difficult, since she already had a long list of exhausting

problems to deal with because being the wife of a man running

for senator was absolutely exhausting and she was utterly