that being tough and being solitary were what I needed to be to

have a good life. I had no idea about the joy another person

could bring. You’ve taught me so much. You’ve given me a

family. Your parents love me and have accepted me as another

daughter. You’ve made sure that I know I’ll never be alone.

You taught me I was worth fighting for. You’ve shown me

kindness, compassion, humility. You’ve taught me how to

smile and not stop. You’ve taught me what’s truly important in

life. Most important, you’ve taught me how to love. I want to

keep loving you. I want to be the one to grow old with you. To

raise a family with you. I want to take care of you, stand by

your side, and love you. Always. Will you marry me? Again?

For real this time?”

Emily’s eyes filled up with tears, but she was smiling the

hugest, most radiant smile. She walked over and took the ring

from Dani. She slipped it onto her finger and held it out,

sparkling in the candlelight. “Yes,” she breathed. “I would

love to marry you again. For real.”

Dani had another surprise. She stood and pulled a second

ring from her pocket. It was much simpler, a white gold band

with an even smaller diamond. “I got one for me too,” she

said. “So that everyone can see that we belong to each other.”

Emily sniffled. She brushed away her tears, laughed, then

launched herself at Dani. She wrapped her arms around her

neck and kissed her hard. Dani kissed her back, while all the

most wonderful emotions in the world swept through her.

Hope. Love. Joy. Incredulity, because sometimes she still

couldn’t believe that this was real, and she was so lucky. She

wrapped her arms around Emily and held her, let her tug her

down to the floor. Dani laughed when Emily tugged at her