
That earned Dani a grin. “Yup. Something like that.”

“Do you know who’s running for senator this year? I

assume of, uh, this state?”

Andi didn’t make fun of Dani’s total and utter lack of

knowledge about anything political. She just nodded and left it

at that.

“Hmm.” It was Dani’s turn to make the little grunting sound

and to freeze.

She eventually lifted her hand and smoothed it along her

hair, knocking her scarf out of place. The thing slipped out of

her hair at least ten times a day, even with pins. She pulled it

free and shook out her hair. It felt good to have the pins away

from her scalp. The pounding going on in her temples was

rapidly spreading out to the rest of her head.

“Would you be able to find out if the candidates or people or

whatever you call them, whoever’s running, have kids? And

what their names are?”

Andi bit down on her lip for a minute, probably uncertain

where the sudden change in conversation was going. Dani had

always made it clear she didn’t want to talk politics and now

she’d had an abrupt change of mind. Andi had every right to

be suspicious and wary.

“If it’s public knowledge, I could, but I wouldn’t do any

digging. That’s kind of dirty, doing things like that, in my


“Yeah. For sure. I get that. But if you could find out, would

you give me a list?”

“I don’t—does this have something to do with the store? Or

the landlord dude? Because I’m seriously at a loss here.”