Emily crossed her arms. “Yes, it is what you mean. This is

New Orleans. You think it’s not liberal? That people wouldn’t

want to buy my art if they knew I was gay? What the hell,

Mom? Then again, why would anyone ever find out?” She

narrowed her eyes. “We all know you and Dad want me to

keep that under wraps, especially because Dad thinks it would

hurt him in the polls. Do you ever listen to yourselves? How

do you come up with this? Did you sit together one night and

brainstorm all the ways you could be super hurtful to your

daughter? Just because you wouldn’t have chosen this for me,

just because you and Dad are conservative in every sense of

the word, doesn’t mean you should be allowed to tell me that I

can’t date and that I can’t be who I am.”

Sandra winced like Emily had stood up and slapped her.

“Em.” She gave her a direct, narrow-eyed look that meant

business and that she was also shocked and hurt. “We never

told you that you couldn’t come out.”

“No, you just told me that my personal life was best kept


“We never said you couldn’t date.”

“But you did say that I should be discreet, and by discreet,

you meant I shouldn’t ever tell anyone I’m a lesbian because

Dad might not become a bloody senator then.”

“Please don’t say bloody. It makes you sound medieval.

And you’re looking at this the wrong way. Politics is your

dad’s life. You know how hard he’s worked for this.”

“Mm-hm.” Emily nodded. “So, I shouldn’t fuck it up.”

Sandra’s eyes narrowed again. “You know how I feel about

that word as well. We don’t curse in this household.”

“No. Apparently, we don’t do anything real. We don’t be