just like that.

“Maybe I can talk to my dad. See if he knows of anything

you could do to fight it.”

“Would that be before or after you tell him that you’re

married to me?”

Emily’s lips wobbled at the corners. “Right. Point taken. I’ll

save that for a night when he’s more willing to do me a favor,

but I promise I’ll ask.”

Dani wanted to tell her not to bother, but she just couldn’t

get the words out. There were precious few people who had

ever offered to do something for her without expecting

something in return. She wasn’t sure how she felt about it.

How to define the feeling. It felt a little bit like she might have

heat stroke. It was really hot, and it didn’t matter that she was

used to the weather in New Orleans. She felt odd. A little bit

shaky and off balance. She could feel a headache coming on,

and her throat was dry. Her palms were clammy, and she felt

sweaty and cold all at once.

She should probably get out of the sun. And she really

should get back to the shop. She had an afternoon reading that

she needed to set up for. Maybe she could also spare a bit of

time to start looking at real estate listings.

“Thanks,” Dani said, and even that produced another smile.

She really wished Emily would stop smiling. Good lord, is

it natural for someone to be so happy all the time? Dani didn’t

know, but she did know that it was gratingly annoying. She

didn’t like smiley people as a rule.



“When you talk to your parents, it might help if you keep a