all the time.”

“That’s funny because usually people turn it on just for the

noise and they don’t even watch it.”

“I have the radio for that. And if I get lonely, there’s always

Mr. Pickles.”

“What the heck is a Mr. Pickles?” Emily looked like she

wasn’t looking forward to finding out the answer. Danica

knew she must appear strange to Emily, with her little crappy

apartment, every room a different color, the mismatched retro

and antique furniture, her wild clothes, the piercings, the

tattoos… “Hey. You’re wearing your ring.”

Dani ripped her eyes down to her hand, a little astounded at

the fact that yes, she was indeed still wearing her ring. “I guess

I just forgot to take it off.” Dani jumped up and ran off down

the hall, leaving Emily stunned behind her. She stopped in her

room to scoop an ancient fluffy gray and white cat off of her

bed. When she came back, Emily smiled a true smile for the

first time since she’d arrived. “This is Mr. Pickles,” Danica

said. “I got him a year ago.”

“He looks, um, well, trying to be polite, that is to say, he

looks a little bit…not a year old.”

Dani laughed. Mr. Pickles snugged deeper into her arms,

nestling his fuzzy cheek against her chest. She stroked behind

his ears with her thumb. “I did get him last year, but he was

born a long time ago. He belonged to an elderly man who

passed away, unfortunately. He ended up at the shelter. I was

looking for a companion. He was in rough shape, but I’ve

managed to fatten him up.”

Her throat closed up with panic when she thought about

losing this place, losing her shop. She couldn’t end up with