
“Green?” Emily was having trouble keeping up. She kept

getting distracted by everything and she’d turn around and

Dani would be way ahead of her, power pushing that cart like

it was an Olympic sport. She was obviously much more

efficient at this too.

Dani shrugged. “If you buy them yellow, they already taste

bad. At least, I think they do. I like them when they’re


“Ew, seriously?”

“Take it from someone who grew up eating them when they

were brown as brown can be.” Dani wrinkled her nose, but

Emily wasn’t sure it was at the mental image of rotting

bananas, or if it had something entirely different to do with her

childhood. Before she could ask, Dani pointed across the way,

to where the store had displays of flowers set up. There was a

big cooler, bunches in baskets, and potted plants, as well as

balloons floating towards the ceiling with pretty ribbons

hanging down to the floor. “Look. They have cactuses.”

Dani power carted over to the small two-tiered round table

where small cactuses in cheap plastic brown pots stood just

waiting to prickle anyone who dared reach in for one. Dani

was daring. Of course, she was. She left the cart and picked up

a cactus that looked like a weird growth in the bottom of

someone’s fridge. It was green and prickly, not fuzzy, but it

seriously looked like a brain with the big bump and all the

little bumps growing all over it.

“Ooh. I don’t have one like this. And it’s on sale!” Dani put

it in the cart next to the bundle of green bananas. “What else

did I say I needed?”