could sit and appreciate for ages. Emily had no idea what was

going on behind Dani’s eyes whenever she looked her way.

She just knew there was always something.

She was utterly fascinating.

Even while doing something mundane like grocery


Dani had kissed Emily’s cheek just that morning. After they

said their vows and got to the part about kissing. Emily hadn’t

thought ahead, but Dani leaned in and grazed the world’s

softest lips just below Emily’s cheekbone. She lifted her hand

now, the very spot tingling now that she was thinking about it.

“Chicken!” Dani stopped so abruptly that Emily put on the

brakes hard and nearly toppled into her. She glanced around

frantically, expecting to see a dusty street intersecting with the

grocery aisle, frantic poultry running across while clucking

and crowing, scattering white feathers all over the place.

Emily was a bit dismayed to see that it was just the meat

section. Also no zombies. There was a big, heated display area

and the smell was absolutely divine. It made Emily’s stomach

rumble even though she didn’t think she’d ever be able to

stomach anything again after leaving her parents’ house in

such a terrible mood.

“Egads!” Dani said. Emily giggled. “They’re on sale,” she

pointed out again. “Like, really on sale. Three bucks!”

“Three bucks? For a whole chicken?” Emily craned around

Dani to see. It was true. All the chickens on the heated tiers

had yellow stickers on them.

Dani moved eagerly, grabbing chicken after chicken and

putting them in the cart.

“What are you doing?” Emily asked, a little scandalized at