live? She did love her parents. She didn’t want them to be

angry with her and not talk to her ever again. But when she

thought about going home and sucking it up, admitting she

was wrong, annulling the marriage, and applying to law

school, she felt even more like a prisoner than she ever had.

She couldn’t live the rest of her life like that.

“I’ll find a way,” Emily mumbled. “I guess. I don’t know.

They probably won’t cut me off.”

Mr. Pickles sauntered into the kitchen, aroused by the scent

of chicken. Dani had just started in on the second bird. Emily

had no idea how the cat could have held out for so long. She

watched Dani take out a small glass bowl from the cupboard.

It was fancy, fine china, and obviously not a cat dish. Dani

shredded a few pieces of chicken then put the bowl down in

front of the old, boney cat. He was decrepit, but Dani so

clearly adored him. She thought he was beautiful, and that

made him beautiful to Emily.

Out of all the cats that Dani could have picked, she’d picked

the old, sad one who had given up on life and taught him that

he could find happiness again. Now he was loved. So, loved.

She could have picked a cute kitten or a young cat with lots of

energy. If she’d waited and watched, she probably could have

even gotten an exotic one. But no. She’d picked this one. And

that said a lot about her.

Dani might be a hard ass on the outside. She might have

piercings and tattoos. She might not smile often and laughed

even more seldom, but she had a good heart.

This day had been so wild. She’d gotten married this

morning. She’d maybe been cut off by her parents. And now

she w