things like blush. “I take a commission,” she protested. “I’m

not a saint.”

“Still. It’s amazing. You help people get their name out

there. And it makes the store look wonderful. All colorful and


“It helps fill the wall space. Anyway…” Dani had no idea

why she couldn’t just get to the point. She was normally very

direct. “I thought maybe you’d like to put some of your work

in there. I know it’s not your mom’s show or a spot for well-

known artists, but I do have a few empty spaces.”

“Yes!” Emily clasped her hands and stood on her tiptoes

before rocking back down to her heels. “That would be

amazing!” She was so excited that she looked like a little kid.

The bright yellow and overalls didn’t help. She was utterly

adorable and so pleased, even for such a small opportunity.

Dani felt that strange pull deep in her chest again, followed

by a flutter in her stomach. She didn’t let it get further before

tamping down on the emotion. She needed a distraction. She

needed to get out of her tiny little apartment that was so full of

Emily’s presence.

“Do you want to go to the beach?” Dani blurted. She was

shocked at herself. For one, she didn’t really even like the

beach. For two, she didn’t own a bathing suit.

“Uh…” Emily was astounded, but she quickly came around.

“New Orleans doesn’t have any beaches.”

“Oh. Right.”

“There’s Biloxi,” Emily said, not so easily deterred. She

was clearly warming up to the idea. “It’s only an hour and a

half from here.”
