their shorts and listening to the ocean.

“I’ll make chicken sandwiches,” Dani muttered. What else

could she do at that point?

Chapter 11


The few times Emily had been to Biloxi Beach before it had

been packed full of people. Her mom had taken her when she

was younger. She hadn’t been in years, but she couldn’t forget

the gorgeous white sand that stretched for miles down the

Mississippi gulf.

Dani had packed a bag for them. It was a surprise to see her

come out of her room wearing ripped black denim shorts, a

black tank, and black plastic flip flops. A rather delicious

surprise that had made Emily feel lightheaded the second she

saw all of Dani’s tattoos and her long, slender legs on display

like that. The shorts were tight and very, very short. Emily’s

mouth went so dry that it took her until they got out of the city

to actually be abl

e to fully swallow again, and that was only

because driving provided a bit of a distraction.

A bit, but not enough. In an enclosed space, Dani’s vanilla

scent had been absolutely intoxicating.

Dani exited the car, grabbing their bag with towels and

snacks from the backseat. Emily had worn a black maxi dress.

She liked it, but her mom always said it made her look washed

out. She couldn’t think of something better for the beach.

She’d kept the yellow headband in. Her hair was a mess and

had been since she’d put it up. She meant to get it out of the

way for painting, but she hadn’t fixed it, and now the breeze

blowing off the water tugged at the strands, sending a few