“A cow?”

“Yeah. I took a vacation to this small B&B calledIndigo, and it’s amazing, really, if anyone gets a chance to go there, they need to go. But I went to this B&B, which is also on a working ranch, and I was there in the middle of calving season. Long story short, there was a calf who was born and needed to be bottle fed, and gosh, I fell head over heels in love with him. I named him Buddy.”

“Are you serious?”

“Dead serious.” Sarah laughed. “I know it sounds like a joke. I promise you, it’s not. When I started writing this song, I thought it was about this cow, but really, it’s not. It is about finding love in odd and strange places, usually when we least expect it. How love is playful, fun, but also a little scary.”

Carrie’s lips parted, and she had a sweet smile. “I...I in some ways hesitate to ask this, but is there more to that story?”

“Probably.” Sarah blushed. “There is more to the story, but I think you’ll have to wait for it to finish being written before I share it.”

“No doubt.” Carrie grinned. “And there you have it, folks, what I assume will be one of Sadie Bade’s newest hits come her next album.”

Sarah tuned out the rest of what Carrie said as she finished up explaining where to find out more on the tour and where to get Sarah’s music. As soon as they were off air, Sarah leaned forward and took Carrie’s hand. “Thank you again for having me here today.”

“Any time. It’s an honor to meet you finally. I’ve watched your career for years.”

“Have you now?”

“Yes, and I really hope this story gets written how you want it to.”

“Me too.” Sarah gave her a quick smile before standing to collect her guitar. She had basically just outed Eli on national television along with their relationship, and she really hoped Eli wouldn’t be offended or upset.

When she got to the green room, she grabbed her phone and checked her messages. Her stomach sunk when she saw a text from Eli. Taking a breather, she opened it up, laughing when she saw a picture of Buddy with his tongue right up his nose. The message that followed stole the breath from her lungs.

“Beautiful song. Should probably finish it. You know where the key to the house is.”

Tears welled up into Sarah’s eyes, and she fell into the chair at a loss for words. She wanted to call Eli immediately, wanted to make the plans, change dates, run away to the middle of nowhere once again, but she couldn’t. She had responsibilities, she had a life, a career she had to think about. She wasn’t even sure how to respond.

Letting out a sigh, she typed the only word that came to mind. “Soon.”


“Not soon enough.” Sarah jumped off the chair, ready to figure out when she could see Eli next.

Chapter 19

The planeseriously could not have gone any slower. Sarah knew it was stupid, but she could not stop bouncing from all the energy flowing through her body. She needed to be there already. It took her far too long to get the rental car, but at least this time, she didn’t get lost on the drive up.

When Sarah pulled up to the house, she was thankful to see both of Eli’s trucks parked at the house or the barn. The last text she’d gotten from her had told her what she needed to know. She’d be welcome any time, and as she’d struggled to find time to make it happen, she’d seen the golden opportunity of forty-eight hours and grabbed it. If only there were more options of flights into the tiny airport an hour and a half from Eli’s house.

She’d left her guitar. It had been a cruel decision to make, but music was not her main goal. Grabbing her small carry-on bag, Sarah shut the door to the car and stalked straight up to the front door of the house. Walking right in, she drew in a deep breath and glanced around, hoping to catch sight of Eli nearby but knowing she was most likely either downstairs or in the barn.

“Eli!” Sarah called.

She started toward the kitchen and stopped short when she saw a rustling movement in the den. Furrowing her brow, she changed direction and walked that way. She stopped short at the middle-aged couple who stared back her, somewhat frightened. The teenager who looked desperately bored on the chair with a phone in her hand glanced up and her face lit up.

“Oh my God!”

“Shit,” Sarah muttered. Louder so they could hear her, she said, “Is Eli around?”

“Are you Sadie Bade?”

She really didn’t want to answer that question. She only had thirty-four hours before she had to be back on the road to the airport, and she wanted all thirty-four hours to be spent with Eli even though she knew that was unlikely. “Yes. Is Eli around?”

“No freakin’ way!”

“Sar…Sadie?” Eli’s voice was a welcome interruption.