“That’s our alien cock special,” Lenore explained. “A few months ago, aliens went viral on TikTok through all of the BookTok community. I was asked by several people if we carried alien cocks… and since I was one of the only sex shops that did, it became a very popular item. That’s our last one. We’re back-ordered on those until May.”

Banger tucked it under her arm and then said, “I can’t wait to share it on social media. My three followers are going to think I’m fuckin’ awesome.”

Griffin’s shoulders were shaking.

“What’s your Instagram?” Lenore asked. “I’ll make it four.”

Banger looked a little sheepish then as she said, “Well…”

“You don’t have one, do you?” I grinned.

I’d actually looked into her all over social media, and hadn’t found a single mention of her name.

Not that I did social media, either, but it was amusing that she was embarrassed that she didn’t have it.

“No,” she admitted. “I started to, but that just seems like such a waste of my day. I have so many more things I could be doing with my downtime, like taking a nap. Plus, I heard that TikTok is like getting sucked into a rabbit hole. I’d rather not devote that much time to my phone if I can help it.”

Truer words had never been said.

“Salem, on the other hand, is a crazy social media guru. She’s got Instagram, TikTok, Only Fans, and a few other things.” Banger picked up a jar. “Anal ease.”

She glanced at me, wiggled her eyebrows, and tucked that underneath her arm, too.

Griffin all but died.

It was Lenore who said, “Um, I’m not sure if ‘Only Fans’ is considered social media. Isn’t that where you get naked on camera, and people pay to subscribe?”

Banger looked at Lenore and grinned. “Why do you think I’m buying this big blue cock?”

Lenore’s mouth fell open.

“Don’t worry.” Banger snickered. “It’s actually more of a tame one. I do know what it is, and that’s why I call it more ‘social media.’” She picked up another package, this one said ‘cock mold’ on it. “Really, she just sits there and tells men to do things while wearing a bra and panties. I was there one time and she was telling one guy to ‘suck her toe down the back of their throat’ and I had to leave. That was weird.”

I watched her tuck the cock mold underneath her arm, too, which prompted me to say, “Do you need a buggy, dear?”

Banger’s beautiful eyes came to settle on me, and she smirked. “Yes.”

I turned around and headed back to the front while the three of them spoke, my eyes automatically scanning the parking lot for Sareen.

I found her on the phone with her scowl aimed directly at me.

I raised my brows at her, but turned, pretending that I was unaffected by her anger.

Which, in all honesty, I was.

I just didn’t want that anger to be turned into something else, against someone else that wasn’t me.

But my attention was once again caught by the woman that threw all kinds of things into the cart I’d steered her way.

“I have an idea,” she said as she all but strapped it to the seat behind her using a bungee cord. “The only problem is, we’ll be just a wee bit close.”

I had no problem with that at all.

Something in which I proved seconds later when she snuggled up close to my backside.

Headlights flickered on behind us, illuminating our entire beings with bright ass lights, and I gritted my teeth.

“Reddddd flaaaag,” Banger sang.