“I peeked into your private life, though,” I said. “I’ve already kind of started us off on the wrong foot.”

“You’ve saved me the trouble of telling you and explaining my situation, while also demeaning myself,” she disagreed. “It feels like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.”

I’d never thought to look at it that way, but…

“You live with me,” I said. “I don’t want to do this, and then you leave.”

Because the thought of you leaving, of being anywhere but in the same space as me, feels like you’re shoving a brick through my chest. Sideways.

“I don’t want to leave,” she countered. “I want to stay. And before you try your next argument, I have no trouble mooching off of you as long as you allow me to return the favor. Allow me to do things for you the same way as you do for me.”

I swallowed hard.

“I’m probably not the best…” I lifted my hand from her hip and gestured to myself, as if that was answer enough.

And obviously, it was.

“I’m guessing you weren’t experienced at all, not too long ago.” She shrugged. “It’s been a very long time for me, too. And it’s not like I’ve had a lot of experience myself. I’ve been with three men total my entire life.”

The thought of her with other men made my blood boil.

I dropped my hands to my side and said, “You do this… you open this door with me, and we walk through? I’m not going to let you go easily.”

She tilted her head so that she could stare at me from a different perspective. Then said, “Who said I wanted you to let me go?”


Keep it up, and you’ll be a strange smell in the backyard.

-Banger to Easton


“Who said I wanted you to let me go?”

Those words seemed to be a trigger for Easton.

One second he was keeping his distance, and the next his mouth was on mine.

And I realized that despite his lack of experience in the ways of pleasing a woman… he could kiss just fine.

More than fine.

In fact, I’d never, not ever, had a better kiss.

And, let me be completely truthful here, kissing had never been something that I just ‘loved.’ It was always a lead-up, something that got the person that I was with warmed up, but never something that just did it for me.

But with Easton?

Kissing definitely did it for me if the state of my damp folds were anything to go by.

His tongue brushed against mine, causing my own to curl around his.

Just as I got a bit bold and pressed into his own mouth just a small fraction deeper, he gave a small lick and pulled back, only to suck on the tip of my tongue.

But he cursed when he got there and couldn’t input the code.

The light blinked twice, and he growled, going to set me down.

But he’d made a fatal mistake.

He’d lifted me up, given me the feel of his hard cock against my core, and I snapped.

I moved with surprising swiftness, pushing my hands between us and shoving the zipper of his pants down in one swift push.