I closed my hands into fists and said, “We need to look at your injuries. Make sure that you didn’t mess anything up even more.”

His eyes held mine, and I could tell that he wanted to discuss this more.

‘This’ being my brother, and what and where he was.

But I’d let O’Ryan go years ago.

He was nothing to me anymore.

He was just a messed-up scene, in a past life, that I never wanted to revisit again.

I’d moved on, and by moving on, I’d denounced him.

Just like I’d denounced my mother.

There was nothing left for me to dwell over.

And Easton read that on my face as he said, “Sure. We can do that in the shower.”

Then the little geek that I was beginning to feel everything for winked at me.

No, we wouldn’t only be checking for his injuries, that was for sure.

Life was good.


Me: never again.

Also me: *agains*

-Text from Banger to Salem


It’d been a week and a day since the police ball.

It’d been a week and a day since Easton and I had started doing ‘couple’ things.

And where it’d begun at a function where I pretended to be his, it was real life, where we didn’t pretend anything.

The first day after the police ball, we’d both let it all hang out.

I’d told him that I wanted to ‘date’ him over morning coffee, and he’d grinned at me and told me I was crazy for dating the man that stalked me.

In the end, I’d told him, it didn’t matter.

Because he was the one I wanted.

All geeky, stalkerish, gives-good-back-rubs inch of him.

“What’s on your agenda today?” I asked.

He’d been working from home since he’d been hurt, but today, he’d told me he was going back into the office.

I just didn’t know what ‘going back into the office’ meant for him.

It could mean sitting at his desk all day.

It could also mean he was planning on running ten miles while chasing after a lead.

With Easton McKennick, one just didn’t know.

“If you move, it spills,” he razzed.

I licked my lips and looked up at him expectantly.

“You’re a closet sadist, aren’t you?” I asked.

I had meant it as a joke, but the way he looked at me…

“The thought of causing you pain…” He hesitated as he told me truthfully what he thought. Something that made my heart start pounding harder. “At least when it comes to anything non-sexual, seems abhorrent to me. But the thought of pulling your hair and making you cry out? The thought of turning you around, shoving you over the countertop, and holding your face down while I fuck you silly? Likely making that pretty pussy of yours all puffy and stretched a bit too wide? Well, that turns me the hell on.”