By the time he finally let me go, allowed me to have my way, I was a quivering mess.

I angled my hips just so, then rocked backward, using my hands on his thighs for leverage.

I closed my eyes and moaned as my orgasm started to take hold.

No longer would it be held off.

Whatever he’d done to me had been enough to drive me to just the middle of insane.

All it took was three quick backward thrusts and I was a goner.

My orgasm took me over like a match to flame. One second I was igniting, and the next I was lit and burning so hot that I couldn’t see.

The scream that left my lips was unlike any that’d ever spilled from my lips before.

I slumped forward, my face all but planting into Easton’s chest, causing him to take over himself.

Which he did.

Softer than I’d given him, but still harder than he’d been moving earlier.

Through a hazy brain fog of post-orgasmic bliss, I felt him stiffen underneath of me, then his cock swelled.

Moments later, he was panting into my ear, and I still laid limply on his chest as I tried to figure out which way was up.

“Condoms suck,” I teased.

He chuckled, turned, and deposited me on the bed all the while groaning.

I rolled my eyes. “I would’ve moved.”

“I know.” He patted my butt before taking care of the condom that was on his cock. “Having condoms does help with clean up, though.”

I watched him discard the condom into a trash bag that I had out front while opening the passenger door. Then he removed that trash bag and set it on the hood of the truck before slamming the door closed.

“You just showed that guy your ass,” I said. “There’s no doubt that at least four others saw you, too.”

Truckers were like nosy neighbors when they were parked. They were more than aware of what was going on around them, and most likely were already talking about my truck rocking over the CB radio.

“I don’t care.” He laughed.

I moved until I was backed against the truck cab and then waited for him to come back. Which he did.

He moved until he was on his back, and I curled into his side, resting my head on his pectoral.

“I have a screen right…” I started to say, but at the mention of a ‘screen’, he was already pulling it.

“I’m tired,” he admitted. “Someone’s been keeping me up all night.”

I scoffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I got plenty of sleep last night. As I recall, you were the one doing something on the computer until the wee hours of the morning.”

“What if the stuff I was working on was for you?” he teased.

Lord knew what Easton would do to this cop.

“You’re thinking too hard, Bang Bang,” Easton teased as he pressed a kiss to my throat. “Go to sleep.”

My lips lifted up at the corners in a stupid grin. “Bang Bang?”

I felt him shrug. “It just came out.”

I snuggled in deeper. “I liked it.”