It was great news, in my opinion. Karma and all that jazz.

“We also ran into Mirabel,” Salem said. “She was working at the restaurant that EJ requested.”

I sighed. “EJ knows that she works there. He thinks it’s funny that she has to wait on us when we go.”

“Oh, it was hilarious all right,” Salem confirmed. “The sour look on her face will keep me going for days.”

I hugged my sister tight, then left to go tuck our son in bed.

I found him shrugging into his pajama shirt.

“You all ready, buddy?” I asked.

He looked at me with his daddy’s eyes and said, “Yes. But I want to tell Uncle Trouper good night.”

I rolled my eyes. Then handed him my phone so he could do just that.

It was something EJ did almost nightly. The only time he didn’t request to talk to ‘Uncle Trouper’ was when he knew Trouper was out of town on business.

Needless to say, EJ was obsessed with his uncle, even though he still got on my nerves.

An arm surrounded my shoulder, and I looked up at my husband.

“He’s got him wrapped around his finger.” I snickered.

Easton smirked. “He has us all wrapped around his finger.”

That he did.

Easton’s hand went to my stomach as he said, “You ready for the next one?”

I was.

I was now eight months pregnant with our second, and more than ready to have him here.

Yep, our second boy.

God help me.

“Love you, stalker.”

He dropped his gaze down to meet mine. “Love you, too, stalkee.”

• • •

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