A moan escaped me as his fingers played with them lightly. “You’re avoiding my question, Sabrina.”

“Damn you,” I groaned back.

He chuckled, and continued playing with me.

“Swear you’re not going to freak out?” I demanded, my voice starting to get a bit breathy.

“As long as the revelation doesn’t include you carrying someone else’s child or already being married to some other bastard,” he said, way too quickly for him to have just thought about that.

I frowned. “You wouldn’t want me if I was pregnant?”

He barked out a laugh. “Where the fuck did you get that idea?” His fingers pinched my nipples lightly, and I gasped, rocking my ass against him a bit. “If you were carrying someone else’s baby, I think I’d deserve a couple of minutes to freak out about it. That’s all.”

“Oh.” He was right; that did sound reasonable. “Okay, well, there’s no marriage or pregnancy involved. My dad is loaded—really loaded. If I died in this small town suddenly, and without any rational explanation, he would burn this town to the ground with lawsuits and anything else he needed to use. He and I only talk once a week, but he is just as protective and possessive as any werewolf. He’s rich—I’m rich. Super, super rich. The stupid kind of rich where your money has money and your money’s money has money, and your money’s money’s money has millions of assets, and a mega trust fund, and who knows what else.”

Dax’s hands kept moving over my tits, even as my back relaxed against his front and his tongue slid over my ear’s piercings again. “So?”

I blinked. “So?”

“Yes, so? I assumed you had money; look at this place. It’s no mansion, but it’s clearly nice, and everything looks brand new.”

Pride swelled in me, and I loved that he was checking out my house. “You like it?”

“It’s fucking gorgeous. My male pride has me wishing I could give you something like this, but that’s my problem, not yours. And logically, I know it doesn’t really matter which of us provides the house, as long as there’s a roof over our heads and four shower heads spraying us from the ceiling.”

I snorted. “Hit me right where it hurts, why don’t you.”

Despite my words, I was grinning like a damned idiot.

He tweaked my nipples again, his lips on the side of my neck as I rocked backward against him. “I love your four shower heads,” he murmured into my skin.

“Damn straight you do.”

“Do you want to tell your dad about werewolves?” His hands were massaging my breasts still.

“You can’t talk about my dad while playing with my tits, Dax,” I shot back, a bit breathless.

He chuckled, and his hands slid off my boobs, moving over my shoulders and arms and abdomen slowly instead. “Alright, now talk.”

I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t fight back another smile. “I don’t know if I want to, but I think I’ll probably have to tell him. I want kids as soon as I can have them, and it’s not like you can stop a little werewolf from shifting back and forth.”

“You’re sure about the kids?” Dax asked, his voice quiet and his hands slowing a bit.

“Why? Do you not want them yet?” I frowned a bit. I knew I could be picky, and dense, and stubborn… but I’d thought we were on the same page when we talked about it in bed earlier.

“I want them. I’ve always wanted them. It’s just… most people around our age aren’t dying to create new life, you know?”

“I know. But most people our age also haven’t lived the same life I have. I’ve been raising Evan with Lizzy for two years, and it hurt like hell when the two of them moved out. I’m happy for them, and I love seeing how happy they are now, but it was hard for me. It still is. Things aren’t the same between me and her anymore, and it was weird to go from living with Lizzy and Evan, to living with Lizzy and Evan and Char, to now living here, alone.”

“That’s why you’ve been picking up extra shifts at the restaurant?” Dax asked, still behind me.

“I don’t know. I guess so. I figure other people have lives; why not take their shifts so they can live them when I’d just spend my time wishing for some damn werewolf to sweep me off my feet.” I shrugged lightly, dragging my shoulders over Dax’s pecs.

He lifted me up off the shower floor, making me laugh as I asked, “What are you doing?”

He nibbled lightly on my ear, teeth brushing my piercings and making me shiver. “Sweeping you off your feet.”

A snort escaped me. “Who knew the big bad wolf was so cheesy?”