Chapter One


“You sure you’ll be okay?” I asked again.

“Skylar, go. We can handle this,” Elias said.

“I don’t know, if she wants to stay here instead of hanging around all those wolves, I’m not going to stop her,” David said.

“That coming from the guy who spends most of his day with a couple of drooling brutes?” I still wasn’t fond of David’s hellhound friends. I couldn’t argue that they might be helpful as we prepared to take on the vampire queen, but that didn’t mean I enjoyed sharing a small space with them.

I looked around the kitchen. Shelly’s infirmary had been transformed into our war room. She’d closed her shop and warded her home to prevent anyone from coming in.

For the last three days, we’d sat around the table in her kitchen, eating take-out food, and plotting our next steps. I was fully healed and ready to go. I wanted this over with. I wanted the stone back and Clara safe.

Madison was still recovering. Now that she’d had the enchantments removed, she healed like a normal human. We’d been waiting for her to get strong enough for the next steps.

According to Shelly, she was ready.

My stomach twisted into knots. I’d known that as soon as Madison was strong enough to undergo the process of trying to magically recover her memories, I’d have to leave for a night.

It was easier to complete the spells with less people around. And Xander really did need to see his pack. He’d been away long enough while he helped me. I couldn’t keep him from them but I was terrified of meeting them.

Not only was I going to show up as a new pack member, I was coming to them as Xander’s mate. I had no idea what I was walking into. Despite Xander’s reassurance, I was more afraid of meeting his pack than I was of walking into Marcella’s stronghold.

Something was probably wrong with me.

“Skylar, go,” Madison said. “It’s time to get this show on the road. I’ll look after your mates for you.”

I frowned. That was the other piece of this. Now that I had them with me, I didn’t want to be away from them. Bad things seemed to happen when we were apart. I might still be adjusting to having three mates, but I couldn’t deny the fact that I felt better when they were with me.

Shelly walked into the room, carrying a bundle of sage in her arms. She set it on the table. “Skylar, why are you still here?”

I sighed. “I’m going.”

Elias walked over to me, a smile on his lips. He set his warm hand on my upper arm and locked his dark eyes on mine. “I know you’re worried about being away from us, but we’re going to be okay. Jasper and Hadrian will let us know the second anything changes. If we need you, you’ll know.”

I nodded. It did help that a pair from our group was staking out the queen’s palace twenty-four-seven. The hellhounds were there now and would remain until the memory spells were complete or until Xander and I returned from his pack. That was a perk of having them on our side to help.

Elias leaned down and softly pressed his lips to mine. I closed my eyes, memorizing the feel of his lips. I knew it was only a short time apart, but I was still worried.

When he broke the kiss and I opened my eyes, I noticed that David was standing right next to us. “Where’s my kiss?”

I laughed and Elias rolled his eyes.

“I’m never going to get used to having to share my mate with you,” Elias growled.

“You’re just jealous cause I’m her favorite,” David said.

I shook my head. “You know that’s not true.”

He leaned in and whispered in my ear. “I won’t tell if it is.”

I opened my mouth to argue but David quickly silenced me with a kiss. His kiss was intense and hungry. He slid his tongue in as he pulled me against him. It was the kind of kiss that belonged behind closed doors. I didn’t fight it, David had a way of awakening something deep within me that wanted to match pace with him.

When he pulled away, my cheeks heated and the realization of how public we’d made a very intimate moment sunk in. “David,” I scolded him.

“I know,” he said.