It also had greater implications in terms of which demon was helping her. Since demons weren’t allowed in our realm, Elias, David, the twins and Clara were the only ones I knew of who were here. Were there demons hiding all over the city?

Everything I’d been taught about demons turned out to be a lie. I’d bought into the stories that they were bloodthirsty and only capable of following their own desires. We’d been taught that they had no restraint, that they couldn’t feel.

I now knew that wasn’t true at all. First, there was the fact that I was part demon and I knew damn well that I had restraint and emotions. Then there were my mates. Elias had been here for years to find the sister he lost and David was willing to put aside his issues with his brother for my sake.

They were just as complex as any other person or supernatural. There was so much I still didn’t know about them. Especially when it came to the situation with their sister, but I felt confident we’d figure it out along the way.

Ahead, I caught sight of the queen’s palace. It was a huge old building that had been built by someone who had more money than they knew what to do with. I’d been told it had sat vacant for decades before Marcella moved in. But she’d been here, ruling over Harbor Crossing and the neighboring cities as long as I could remember.

My jaw clenched as I recalled my meeting with the queen. While people had it wrong about demons, I had yet to meet a vampire who didn’t fall into their stereotypes. They were power hungry, focused on pleasure, and forgot what it was to be human. If anyone supernatural was at risk of losing sight of emotions and empathy, it was vampires.

The queen was a prime example. She’d been a vampire since the Middle Ages. Rumor was that she was a peasant with a pretty face and her maker wanted her.

I used to feel bad for her. That wasn’t how anyone should have to live. It was likely she suffered unknown horrors. Now, I was finding it difficult to feel anything other than hatred for her.

She’d taken the stone, and my mother’s necklace. She nearly took my life from me.

When they expelled demons from our realm, I think they made a mistake. From what I’ve seen, the wrong bad guys were sent away.

I slowed down, taking smaller, soundless steps as we turned the corner toward the palace’s facade. A pair of figures was pacing in front.

I nudged Xander. He stopped walking and narrowed his eyes, then he took off at a run.

Shit. That was not part of the plan. “Xander!” I whisper-yelled after him.

He was too far gone and he couldn’t hear me. What the hell was he doing? I gave chase, following him toward the palace.

We were in plain sight, right in front of the doors, obvious targets for the sentries outside and for anyone watching from inside.

So much for being on the down low.

As we neared the figures, I suddenly realized why Xander had run. I recognized the two males. Johnny and Mateo, two of Xander’s best friends from his pack.

I slowed down as we approached. David was right, there were wolf shifters at the queen’s. “Xander, we have to go.” I didn’t bother lowering my voice this time, the shifters were already walking toward us.

“Xander, now,” I said.

He wasn’t listening to me. “Johnny, Mateo, what’s going on here?”

The two shifters approached us. “No visitors tonight,” Johnny said in a hollow voice.

The tone sent an unsettling shiver through me. It wasn’t like the boisterous, kind shifter I’d met at the run.

“Xander, she’s using the stone,” I said. “We can’t help them right now.”

“Shake it off, Johnny.” Xander reached his hand out. “I’ll help you both. Come with us. Shake this off, guys.”

I waited in silence for a moment. I wasn’t getting through to Xander. These males were his family. His best friends since childhood. I knew I wouldn’t be able to walk away, either. Not without trying. I knew it wasn’t going to end well, but Xander needed this moment.

“He already told you, no visitors,” Mateo said.

“I’m not a visitor, I’m here to take you home,” Xander said. “April’s waiting for you at home. She’s probably wondering why you’ve been out so long. Let me take you home to her.”

Mateo growled and his hands balled into fists. I could feel the magic flowing through the air.

Both shifters moved closer to us, their bodies already convulsing as they made the change.

Next to me, Xander’s clothes were already on the street, his wolf form was taking shape.Fuck me.I couldn’t let these guys kill each other.