I looked over at him. “What is that?”

“A lot of demons use this when learning to control their magic. It helps you concentrate the power better, gives you more direction,” he said.

“Yes,” Shelly said. “When your mother arrived here, she wasn’t much older than you. And for a demon, that’s very young. She never did tell me why she came to our realm, but I do know she was happy here. Her and your father loved each other.”

“I think I know why she was here,” Elias said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Our father is obsessed with power and strength,” Elias said.

“And prophecy,” David added.

“We think he knew your mother was going to give birth to our mate,” David said.

“That’s not confusing as hell,” I said.

“Everything is more complicated with him than it should be,” Elias said.

“We’re still not sure of all the details, but we think he heard a prophecy that made our dad send your mom away.”

“Well, then,” I said. “I’m not sure how I feel about that. Her being here led to her death, but also to my life.”

“She’d be proud of you,” Shelly said.

“Supernaturals are super fucked up,” Madison said.

I smiled at her comment. It was true. Humans thought their lives were complicated but there were so many layers to our world.

I picked the necklace up and fastened it around my neck. The magic thrummed through it, creating a warm sensation where the stone made contact with my skin.

“Thank you, Shelly.” I placed my hand on the stone.

“Why don’t you three talk,” Xander said. “I’ll go see if I can recruit some reinforcements.”

“I’m coming with you,” Elias said.

“Cursed ground, remember?” Xander said.

“Royalty, remember?” Elias lifted his brows. “I’ll be fine.”

Xander didn’t look thrilled about having company, but he nodded.

“Here.” Shelly threw a set of keys their way. “You can’t bring back mages on the back of your bike.”

“Thanks,” Xander said.

I watched the two of them pass through the pink light and out of our warded space. I stood and walked toward the living area, then back to the kitchen. I turned and paced the space a few more times. I couldn’t sit there waiting for something or nothing to happen. Restlessness fluttered inside my chest.

It felt like we should be doing something, anything. Instead, we were waiting again.

David walked toward me and grabbed hold of my upper arms, stopping my progress. “It’s going to be fine. They’ll be fine.”

“I’m not worried about them,” I confessed. “I’m worried about how much time we’re giving the queen.”

I walked out of his hold and returned to the kitchen where Shelly and Madison were sipping tea. The two of them looked so oddly at peace. It was as if I’d walked in on a pair of friends visiting instead of the room where we’d just been tossing around ideas on how to infiltrate a vampire queen.

How long had I been pacing?