Chapter Two


It was a few hours before sunset, but some of the shifters were already building fires outside their tents.

Kids ran around, chasing each other, and people were gathered in groups talking or sharing snacks.

We weaved between the trees, passed the campsites slowly. A few people waved to Xander, either recognizing his bike or knowing he was someone from their pack.

Everything seemed so peaceful and relaxed. Everyone we passed was already part of this community. The only group I’d ever belonged to was the Hunter’s Guild and that wasn’t exactly a warm fuzzy kind of group.

Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t think shifters were all that sweet either, but this was starting to change my mind.

Maybe I didn’t need to be so concerned.

Gerald and Fern had welcomed me into their home, no questions asked. They didn’t say I wasn’t good enough for their grandson. What if the rest of the pack was fine with me, just as Xander had said?

By the time he pulled his bike into an empty camping space, I was starting to feel more relaxed.

I climbed off the bike and took off my helmet. My hair was damp with sweat and was sticking to my face. Quickly, I pulled it up into a bun and let the breeze cool my face and neck.

“Well, this is it,” Xander said. “Home away from home. Just me and you and the stars.”

I glanced around and noticed we were already drawing a crowd. “And a few dozen of your closest friends.”

“There will be a few hundred of us,” he said.

“Even better. Super intimate,” I said. “Besides, it looks like we’ll be sleeping in the dirt so there’s that. Nice and private.”

He laughed. “My grandparents are bringing me some stuff in their truck. We couldn’t exactly go to my place and pack up right now.”

My shoulders slumped. I wasn’t so sure we should even be here right now. The queen had a stone that could control shifters. And here we were, at a gathering of several hundred all in the same place. It seemed far too dangerous. We weren’t even that far from where she lived. She could be here in less than three hours.

Xander walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders and started rubbing. “It’s going to be fine. We talked about this. The queen hasn’t used the stone yet so she probably still needs access to it. We have a little time and this event gives us the ability to warn everyone at once.”

Tension melted away at Xander’s touch. I closed my eyes and set one of my hands on his. “Thanks.”

He leaned down and kissed my cheek. “Now, come on. I’ll introduce you.”

When I opened my eyes, I noticed that our crowd had increased. There were a dozen shifters standing around us, seemingly waiting for an invitation. Some of them were trying to look busy, while others were standing not too far from us, watching.

Then a group of males raced froward in a blur, they charged toward Xander and surrounded him, scooping him up in the strangest dog pile of a hug I’d ever seen. They laughed and whooped and slapped each other on the back.

When they stepped back, one of them eyed me up and down, a sly grin on his lips. His long dark hair hung loose around his face and he had a scar down the right side of his face. It started on his forehead, bypassed his eye, and continued to his cheek. Whatever had caused that scar had to be a hell of a story. And he was lucky to still have an eye.

It seemed most supernaturals had scars. Or at least the ones I hung around. I had a knack for making friends who were just as drawn to danger as I was. Whoever this guy was, I liked him instantly.

“So this is why you’ve been away for so long,” he said, extending his hand. “I’m Johnny.”

“Skylar,” I said as I accepted his greeting.

“You’re not High Moon Pack, are you?” he asked, his tone more curious than accusatory.

“She is now,” Xander cut in.

“Oh?” Johnny looked at Xander.

“Skylar is my mate,” he said.