Chapter Eleven


David was fast. Somehow, my shirt was already off and his hands were working the button of my jeans. I helped slide my pants off and kicked them aside, leaving me standing in my underwear. It wasn’t good enough, though. I needed David to join me.

I worked the button on his jeans while he pulled his shirt over his head. When I pulled his pants down, I was greeted with his rock-hard length. “No boxers?”

“Why add anything that will slow me down?” he asked.

I was surprised by the remark, but he was an incubus. I should have expected something of the kind. A little flicker of jealousy shot through me. I didn’t like the idea that David might be jumping in bed with others. I had no grounds to ask him to be faithful to me considering I had three mates, but I hated the thought of sharing him.

David caught my chin and lifted it so I was looking up at him. “What are you worried about? I can feel something. Concern, maybe? Are you worried about the others? Or about getting caught?” He grinned.

“No. They’re fine. And nobody’s here,” I said, addressing his questions. There was no way I was going to mention my unfair desire to keep him to myself.

He released my chin and pressed his lips to mine in a kiss so intense, it felt like I had the wind knocked from me. For a moment, I worried I might pass out as the world around me seemed to spin.

Kissing David was like a force of nature. All of my mates were different, they all had their own unique and amazing attributes in and out of the sack. But David had something the others didn’t.

I wasn’t sure what it was, maybe it was the incubus, maybe it was his experience, maybe it was just how we connected. Whatever it was, the connection between us felt so driven by sex. As if that’s what bonded us. Maybe it was because we got to know each other through sex whereas I knew the others for a time first. All I knew was that David set my blood on fire unlike anyone else.

He deepened the kiss, his tongue pressing against mine, massaging, tangling, exploring. I moaned into his mouth, my whole body seemingly melting into him.

One of his hands tangled into my hair while his other slid up my back, finding my bra. With a flick of his wrist, he unclasped the garment. I shrugged it off, not breaking the kiss. I was hungry, desperate, insatiable. I had to have him.

I pulled myself closer to him, digging my fingernails into his back as I pressed my hips into his thigh. I could feel his erection, hard and ready. Dropping one of my hands, I reached for it, grabbing hold of his huge member.

David groaned and broke away from our kiss. His skin was glowing, the demon parts that he kept hidden were breaking free. I smirked, pride swelling at the thought that I was the one who brought him to his knees.

Just as I noticed the horns sprouting from his head, David growled and grabbed my panties, tearing them off me. I gasped in surprise and the wetness between my thighs grew. Who knew someone ripping your clothes off was so fucking hot?

I reached for David’s horns and traced my index finger down each one. He shuddered and his eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head.

“Skylar,” he whispered my name. It was reverent, sweet, intimate. There was so much packed into that single word that I lowered my hands and stared at him for a moment, taking him in.

This incubus was mine. In my very soul I knew the two of us shared a bond that would connect us forever. Sex with David wasn’t just sex. It was so much more.

I set my hand on his chest and he covered it with his. For a moment, I focused on his heartbeat. The little sparks of light dancing over his skin spread from him to me. They moved up my arms, sending a wave of warmth and tingling everywhere they touched. I closed my eyes as the sensation traveled up my neck and over my face. It was the strangest and most oddly comforting feeling. It almost reminded me of the moments after an orgasm, when everything feels right and you’re completely satisfied.

“That’s new,” David said.

I opened my eyes and looked down. My whole body was lit up like David’s. The two of us glowing together. I didn’t know what to make of it.

“What does it mean?” I asked.

“I think you’re letting your true nature shine,” he said. “You seem to let it out easier around me than the others.”

I wondered if that was what made things so different with him.

“When this is over, you’ve got a lot to learn about being a demon,” he said.

“Let’s not talk about that now.” There was too much dismal discussion around what needed to be done and what the future, if we survived, would hold.

“No more talking at all,” I said. “I just need you.”

He smiled, that sexy cocky smile that nearly made me come undone. It was the smile he used for me. Now that he was mine, I looked forward to that look. It meant he was going to pounce.

David grabbed me around the waist, lifting me off the ground. His mouth claimed mine again as he stumbled backward, until he reached the couch. He fell to the ancient sofa and I landed on top of him.