Chapter Twenty-One


“You know, I’ve long wished to invite you to my palace,” Marcella said.

“Is that what this was? An invitation?” I asked, my tone more hostile than I anticipated.

“I apologize for the way I got you here, but it was imperative we speak. You are the only one who will relate to what I’m doing,” she said.

I forced myself to maintain a passive expression. “I don’t know what you’ve heard about me, but I wouldn’t brainwash my wolves or even your vamps.”

“That is an unfortunate piece of this process,” she said.

“There’s nothing that justifies that,” I said.

“Each of us were given the task of caring for our people in this world of humans,” she said. “We aren’t that different.”

“I’m not sure I agree with that,” I said. “You go about it in a way I can’t support. Return the stone. There is nothing you could say that will convince me.”

“You’ve heard the Knights?” She moved closer to me, her dress a pool of dark fabric flowing around her as she moved.

“Of course,” I said. “They’re a myth. Or they’re dead.”

“They killed my maker but that’s just the beginning of their plots,” she said.

“I don’t believe they have anything to do with this,” I said. “They were blamed for Clara’s death, yet we found out she’s your prisoner. Which makes me think you’re the one at the heart of all this.”

She smirked. “You flatter me. I do have the demon girl, but only because she wanted to assist me once she heard of the deeper plot.”

“There is no deeper plot,” I said. “I need that stone.”

“And you’ll have it back to do as you wish once I get your cooperation,” she said.

I was getting angrier by the moment. Marcella was stalling but I didn’t know why. “I’m done with your games. You either hand me the stone and let me walk out of here, or we’re going to find out if you fight as well as your reputation.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Madison had pulled out a knife. She was moving closer to me, her body tense, ready to attack.

“It’s okay, Madi,” Marcella said. “I have a feeling his bark is worse than his bite.”

“I’ve seen him fight, your majesty, I don’t think you should underestimate him,” Madison said.

“Here’s the thing, Xander,” the queen said. “I need wolves to help me finish off the remaining knights. If you’re not going to help me recruit them, I’ll have to keep doing it my way. With the stone. If you agree to help, I’ll turn the stone over to you.”

My brow furrowed. That wasn’t what I expected at all. Deciding to call her bluff, I extended my hand, palm open. “Okay, stone first.”

“I need a show of your loyalty before I go and give you my only bargaining chip,” she said. “It’s nearly dawn. I don’t discuss business in the daylight hours. It’s bad luck. You’ll stay here today and tomorrow night, we can discuss terms of our alliance.”

The last thing I wanted to do was stay here longer but I wasn’t sure I had much of a choice. There was a chance to get the stone from her without violence. The demons knew how to destroy it. I could get it out of here and then betray Marcella. I didn’t owe her anything. I had no problem taking down any vampires she’d send after me. If it meant Skylar wouldn’t have to risk her life, I’d take the chance.

“You can’t touch my mate,” I said.

“Deal,” Marcella said.

In that moment, I knew she was lying about everything. She’d agreed far too quickly. There was no chance she really wanted any kind of alliance. I was a prisoner for another reason and I wasn’t sure what it was.

It wasn’t game over, though. There was still the chance to sneak around the palace during the daylight when most of her staff was asleep. I’d take what I could get.

“Want me to take him to the dungeons?” Madison asked.