“Around a month.”


A month of absolute hell.


“That’s all?” I drawled.

Rocco poked me in the nose. “We didn’t even last a few minutes in bed together the other morning.”

I made a face. “You make it sound worse than it was.”

His eyes darkened. “It was damned incredible. Have you forgotten that?”

“That would be impossible.” I grabbed the cereal boxes in one arm and the milk in the other, hauling them to the table. “But we can’t be platonic mates if we have sex for a whole week straight, so the climax is off the table. We’ll just have to endure. Maybe buy some bags of frozen peas for our throbbing bits or something.”

He grimaced, grabbing bowls and spoons as he followed me to the table. “Sounds like hell.”

“It’s going to suck,” I agreed. “But we’ll be strong.” I flexed my arm, and Rocco’s grimace faded into a tiny bit of a grin.

We weighed the pros and cons of job hunting for me before the hellish climax hit, and ultimately decided that it would be best for Rocco and I both to either hang out at his job until then, or just call it quits on work altogether for a bit.

I knew there wasn’t a chance in hell that I’d be able to avoid smashing my naked body into his if we were home all day together every day for who-knew-how-long, so we settled on working his job together.

Really, I’d just be sitting at his desk, doing pretty much nothing while he taught, but I’d figure out something to do. Maybe I’d become a pro at online blackjack or something.

With that settled, we got dressed, and then headed out.

After a quick stop inside the school, they agreed to let him come back until the climax, and get the substitute back in until that ended.

I was quiet as we drove away, my mind spinning a bit.

Rocco wasn’t going to be able to work during the climax, whether we had sex or not. He’d be too horny, which was obviously not appropriate for a high school teacher.

But not working meant a hell of a lot of time together.

Alone together, probably.

And all the horniness.


Rocco glanced over at me, and then turned the wheel sharply. I grabbed the oh-shit handle above the door, shooting him a concerned look. “Where are we going?”

He flashed me a grin. “On an adventure. We’ve got to do something to remove all that stress, and I think I remember you putting sex off the table.”

I snorted. “You think?”

His grin widened. “I could be persuaded to forget.”

A laugh escaped me, and I watched out the window as he drove us down a road I didn’t remember driving before. He turned the music up, and a song I loved blasted through the speakers.

My phone was hooked up to the radio, so my music was playing, which I loved. Rocco and I had talked about music a little, and from what I understood, he liked it but it wasn’t his life the way it was for me.

Or the way it used to be for me, I guess.

I’d still listened to it a lot, while I’d worked with Ozzy, but hadn’t been making my own stuff anymore. And I’d never posted my videos to any websites or anything, focused on school and on that career my professor had promised me.