Then chugged her entire glass of root beer, making a face after she drank it. “Seriously, this is not wedding appropriate shit.” She lifted the glass, shaking it toward me.

“Why don’t I get you something more appropriate, then?” a male voice drawled behind her.

Her back stiffened. “Do I need to grab my pepper spray, Delly?”

I glanced back at Zed with a grin. “Nah. Zed’s probably on board with you when it comes to the wedding-appropriate drinks.”

He dropped into the chair next to June, setting a bottle of red wine beside her. “You won’t regret drinking this.” He nodded toward it, not bothering to look over at her. Him and the other guys were pretty much professional at not developing feelings for whatever women they came into contact with randomly.

“I will when I can’t make my escape,” she drawled back, jingling her keys toward him. “I’ve got a plane to catch when this shitshow ends.”

“Jay,” I warned, leaning toward her. “You might not approve, but this is still my wedding. Don’t be a bitch.”

She sighed, and held a hand toward Zed. “Give me the wine.”

“Nope. It’s mine now.” He lifted it to his lips, tilting the bottle back.

“Asshole,” she muttered, spinning to glare at him.

Their eyes met.

The bottle dropped back to the table as his eyes shifted to red.

“Shit,” I mumbled, turning to find Rocco.

He was already approaching, and I saw Elliot and Dax right behind him.

“We’ve got it,” Rocco promised me, shooting me a grin as Zed rumbled,


“Like fuck you do,” June hissed, standing swiftly. She dodged Zed’s transforming hand, turning and sprinting away.

Zed crashed to the ground as his wolf took over slowly.

“What do we do?” I asked Rocco, a bit panicked.

“Enjoy your night,” Elliot told me, flashing me a grin. “We’ll take care of it.”

He and Dax broke into a run, chasing June toward what I assumed was her car.

Zed finished shifting, and sprinted after her.

Rocco’s eyes met mine, and I couldn’t help it; I laughed.

He laughed with me, crashing into the chair beside mine and pulling me into his arms.

“It’s not a party unless someone finds their mate,” Tea said cheerfully, her and Jesse taking the chair next to mine.

“I guess not,” I said with another laugh. “She’s so screwed.”

“In so many ways,” Ebony said, flashing me a sultry smirk as she and Ford took their own chairs beside us.

Laughter went around the table—and the wine followed it.

It wouldn’t make us drunk, but it would take the edge off a bit.

“So where are we going for the next week?” Rocco asked me, his lips brushing my ear as he spoke.