“I’m hungry,”I told Ford, walking toward the front door without pause.

The more I thought about it, the more certain I was that I did not want to be home alone with a hunting wolf.

“Let’s go get sandwiches from your friend. Elliot, right? The one with the gross PB&Js.”

At that point I was talking to myself more than him, but my nerves were starting to get to me, so I wasn’t going to question that.

We stepped out on the porch, which was pretty small, but there was a hammock stretched across it. I glanced down the row of townhouses, and noticed that all of the porches had hammocks hanging off to one side of their front doors.

Trudging down the stairs and through the inch of snow on the ground, I glanced at the road that led away from their homes. I knew I couldn’t walk all the way back to my dorm room, so I didn’t bother trying to make a run for it. And it wasn’t like I could outrun the wolf at my side, anyway.

So I thought about the hammocks instead.

Did the group of werewolves just text each other a time and hang out in their hammocks together or something?

They wouldn’t be close enough to talk to each other given the distance between the hammocks, so it wasn’t like they could have a hammock-party or anything.

Maybe they hammocks had been housewarming gifts or something?

Honestly, I was curious.

I stepped up onto Elliot’s porch and rapped on the door a couple times. Ford wedged his furry self between me and the front door, and I shot him an exasperated look even as I took a couple of steps backward to make room for him.

The door swung open, and my mouth went dry as a tan guy with thick, dark hair filled the doorway.


“Do all werewolves look like this?” I blurted.


Shouldn’t have said that.

Elliot frowned, his gaze flicking to Ford and then to me before understanding dawned in his eyes. “Ebony,” he said.

I jerked my head in a nod. “Forget that question. I’m awkward. Sometimes. It’s hard to explain, I just—” I blew out a puff of air and forced myself to slow down. “I heard you like to make sandwiches, and I cannot be alone with this monster any longer.” I shoved a hand toward Ford.

Ford growled as Elliot gave me a small grin. “Come on in.” He tugged the door open, gesturing me inside.

Ford bumped Elliot further out of the way, making the man chuckle as he gave me and my overprotective wolf a bit more space.

“I’m surprised you’re over here willingly on the same day you were abducted. Teagan refused to have dinner with us for months, even when she’d already established that she liked Jesse’s wolf,” he remarked.

“Tea’s unnecessarily stubborn much of the time.” I glanced around his house. Like Ford’s, it was really clean, although his furniture was clearly less new and less expensive. His place was homier than Ford’s, and though I preferred the sleek, modern feel that Ford’s place had, I did like Elliot’s style too.

Comparing the men’s homes had me remembering Ford’s face.

The chiseled lines, the smoldering eyes…

Hot freakin’ damn.

Why was I getting so warm thinking about him? He’d abducted me, dammit!

Elliot grinned. “You should hear her and Jesse argue.”

I sat down in one of the simple wooden chairs around his table. “Knowing Teagan, it’s probably foreplay for them. That girl would argue with a cow if it would get her a burger.”