I put those things in the car, and then got a glimpse of my nails.


I’d chipped the polish in a couple places at one point or another; not cool.

I bit my lip… and then muttered, “What the hell,” and headed back up the stairs.

After dumping one of the tampon box’s contents into the cupboard, I put all of the nice nail polishes in the box and carried it back down the stairs, out to the car.

Then I remembered the fridge—and all of the perishable food Teagan and Jesse had bought to fill it.

Tea was such a penny-pincher that her spending any money on food for me at all was a huge sign that she cared. So even though I was still kind of pissed that she’d help the werewolves take me, I headed over to the fridge and threw most of its contents into the freezer. Most of the stuff that didn’t fit would be fine for a week or two, and even if I wasn’t back by then, I was positive Tea wouldn’t let the food go to waste.

Werewolves were always hungry, as she said.

Satisfied that I’d done all I needed to, I gestured Ford out to his car.

He trotted out beside me, seeming much more relaxed now that I was working with him instead of against him.

Guess it was easier to hunt prey that didn’t fight you.

I opened the garage and pulled out, glancing repeatedly at the other townhomes. Someone must’ve heard me leaving, but even if they did, they didn’t try to stop me.

That felt like a win.

I hit the button to shut the garage door as I headed down the road, tapping a few things on the car’s GPS to have it direct me back to my dorm.

A phone buzzed somewhere in the vehicle, and I looked around for it when I stopped at a stop sign. I found it on the floor in the back, and when I picked up the sleek, brand-new device, I immediately knew it was Ford’s.

Tea’s name was on the screen; she’d texted Ford. Though, a glance at the text told me the message was meant for me.

Tea: I heard you leave, and I know that mean’s Ford’s on board, so I’ll leave you alone. Just be careful, please. I care a lot about both of you, and I’m sorry for everything.

Guilt tugged at me.

Yeah, Teagan had helped them kidnap me, but from what they’d said (and what had happened) there hadn’t really been another choice.

Plus, I had gotten into the car willingly.

The situation was a difficult one, but I was figuring it out. And now Wolf Ford wasn’t trying to eat me, so my life felt much more stable.

I turned on quiet music as I drove, not wanting anything too loud. Ford’s head rested on my thigh, and honestly, I didn’t mind the contact. Even if I probably should’ve.

It was nearlymidnight when I parked in the lot outside the dorms, and of course, there were still plenty of people outside. Mingling, making out, doing drugs… honestly, I didn’t really know. I stayed away from parties and didn’t have a group of friends that I liked to hang out with or anything.

I gathered everything I’d brought from Ford’s into my arms, and started to open the door.

He growled.

I stopped with my hand on the doorknob, glancing over at him. “What?”

He pointed his nose to his door.

I blinked.

He pointed toward his door with his nose, more aggressively.

A lightbulb went off in my head.