I felta rush of inexplicable anger every time a girl looked at him as we made our way down the stairs. When we got out to the grass area before the parking lot, I felt like a pent-up rage machine.

Some chick stared openly at him, and the rage grew hotter.

I accidentally took a step toward her, my fists clenching at my sides as if I knew how to throw a punch (which I didn’t), and Ford picked me up around the waist and carried me toward the car like I was a much smaller, much lighter woman. He opened the door and set me on the back seat before sliding inside with me. He did not fit, but he didn’t seem too bothered by that fact.

“What the hell was that?” I demanded, gesturing toward the girl who was no longer staring (luckily for her).

Ford blinked at me. “You were getting possessive, so I got you out of there. I didn’t expect it to piss you off.”

“I’m not pissed about you grabbing me. I’m pissed that I wanted to punch her for looking at you! What the hell is going on?!”

He relaxed a little, which didn’t seem like the proper response to me being pissed and freaking out. “Do you remember when Teagan and Jesse were telling you about werewolves being possessive?”

I thought back to the many things Teagan had said. “I was panicking and kind of tuned it out,” I admitted. “But the gist of it was that werewolves don’t like to share.”

“Right. They want to protect their territory. Your wolf considers me her territory, so in her mind, she’s got to protect me. You probably felt her trying to shift when you saw the girl looking at me, right?”

I thought back. “No.”

He blinked again. “No?”

“No, I didn’t feel that thing like I did when the door closed between us, I just wanted to punch her. I don’t think it was the wolf. I think it was… me.” I paused. “Shit.”

He put a hand on my knee. “It’s alright, Ebony. We’ll figure things out.”

When he said it in that sexy voice of his, I almost believed him.

“My professors won’t be thrilled to have you in class,” I warned. “Most of them don’t like students sitting in.”

“I’ll make something up.”

He was pretty good at that, as far as I could tell.

I shrugged. “Your funeral.”

He didn’t have a parking pass, so after he was dressed, we walked to my first class. I usually got there early so I had time to read over the material, but we barely made it by the time the lecture started. The professor gave Ford a suspicious look, but lectured as if he wasn’t invading the class.

I was actually kind of amused that he didn’t say anything about it.

He wasn’t the only one staring at Ford though. We had to sit right in the front because we were late, and I felt eyes on him throughout the entire lecture. He kept grabbing my hand or rubbing my knee every time that violent feeling washed over me, and once when it got really bad, he even nibbled on my finger.

That was surprisingly arousing, and definitely distracting.

I was relieved when my class ended, and we slipped out before the professor could call us on Ford’s presence.

We headed to a study room, where I usually went over my notes in between classes. There were only ever one or two other students in there, and sometimes I was alone. I was slightly worried that we’d be alone this time, and things would get… steamy, but another girl was in there, so we were all clear.

She was snacking on an apple and barely glanced at us, much to my relief.

Ford sat down next to me, looking at something on his phone as I opened my laptop back up. I tried to focus on my work, but got too curious about what he was doing and leaned over.

He turned the phone so I could see. It looked like… a calendar. “My book release schedule,” he explained quietly. “I’m trying to figure out what to push.”

I frowned. “Why do you have to push anything.”

He lifted an eyebrow at me and gestured between us.