“You were a virgin?” My voice raised with the last word.

He nodded.

Guess there wasn’t much of an explanation needed for that one.

I smacked a hand to my face and groaned. “And I just jumped you like a total freak. Hell.” My head crashed into the back of the headrest, and his hand landed on my thigh again.

I was starting to feel like it belonged there, which was a weird but not entirely unpleasant feeling.

“It was perfect, Ebb. You were so fucking sexy. I’m glad there was no first-time awkwardness, and I don’t want you to feel weird about it,” he said bluntly.

“You’re an author! You probably write all these romantic first-time sex scenes,” I protested.

He snorted. “My books don’t have sex in them. If I’d tried to write a sex scene before today, it would’ve been a hot mess.”

“Still,” I complained. “You’ve at least read sexy books.”

“I have,” he agreed. “And what we did was still fucking perfect.”

I sighed again, but stopped arguing with him. It was clear I wouldn’t win, and somehow, he’d gone and made me feel better about the whole thing.

“I want you to tell me when you’re horny,” he warned. “I want to take care of you in that way too.”


Maybe he wasn’t an author; maybe he was a freakin’ fictional character. He was too perfect to be real.

I sighed. “I’ve been horny for the entire day, Ford. You’re like some kind of aphrodisiac. It’s ridiculous, and frustrating, and having already slept with you doesn’t make things any easier.”

He rubbed my thigh. “I’m sorry.” His hand slid up to the button on my jeans, and my eyes widened as he undid them while we pulled up to the drive-through line.

His hand slid into my panties, and my eyes nearly burst from their sockets as his fingers found my clit.

I gripped the armrests hard as he brushed my most sensitive part lightly.

“What are you doing?” I hissed.

“Apologizing,” he said with a dark look, as he pulled up to the speaker.

He ordered a ton of food while his fingers played with me, his touch lazy at first. It grew faster, pausing altogether when we reached the window. He turned his entire body to the side to shield me from sight of the woman in the window, but I was panting too hard to even care.

Pulling out of the drive-through, he parked in the lot before resuming touching me.

I was so close and so sensitive that it wasn’t long before I was clutching his arm to my chest, crying out as I shattered.

He cupped me for a few minutes as I came down from the high, and lifted me up onto his lap when the pleasure faded. His arms were around my back, holding me securely to his chest. His erection dug into my ass, but he made no move to act on it.

I buried my face in his neck before groaning, “Why are you so damn perfect? I’m trying to hate you.”

He chuckled. “I’m glad it’s not working.”

Yeah, I was too.

My stomach picked that moment to rumble, loudly.