It had been a long time since I made out with anyone; Reed always wanted to get right to the “good part”.

But I was starting to think he was just an idiot, because kissing Ford was better than having sex with Reed.

The way he held me, like I was both strong and delicate… The way he touched me, like he couldn’t get enough… And the way he kissed me, like I was everything he’d ever dreamed…

Well, I was starting to understand why werewolves saved themselves for their mates. No one else could hold a damn candle.

I pulled away when my stomach growled again, our chests rising and falling rapidly against each other. Our eyes were locked, and his fingers reached up to trail over my cheekbone.

“Now you’ve really been kissed,” I whispered.

And now I’d been ruined for anyone else.

His thumb trailed over my cheek again as he stared at me.

My stomach rumbled again.

“I’ve got to stop distracting you from your food.” He scooped me up and set me on the passenger seat. “And we need to get to your next class.”

I glanced at the clock.

Shit, he was right.

We ate on the way back to the school, and his hand returned to my thigh as soon as we were sitting down in my next class.

By the timewe parked in front of my dorm, I was starving, utterly exhausted, and could hardly remember anything my professors had said. I’d taken notes on my computer during most of the lectures, but I was distracted to the point where I wasn’t sure even the notes could do anything for me.

“I’ll order food,” Ford told me, his hand still on my thigh.

“That would be good,” I murmured, my head leaning back against the seat as I made no move to get out. “We need to go get my car from the sandwich shop’s parking lot so no one tows it.”

“I don’t know if your wolf will let me out of your sight long enough to drive,” he said, his voice apologetic. “I can ask a few of my buddies to grab it. They wouldn’t have a problem with that.”

I grimaced.

Right… the pack.

“They don’t know that you’ve already shifted back, though.”


“And I don’t want Teagan coming over here and getting all up in my business yet. I want to figure this shit out first.” I gestured between us. “And on that note… we should probably slow things down. I mean, don’t get me wrong, the sex was incredible. You’re hot, and amazing, but despite all of that, we just met. Logic tells me that we need to do the getting-to-know-you thing.”

Ford nodded. “Alright, we can do that.”

I waited for a “BUT” that I would’ve expected from a person with a dick, but it didn’t come.

Reed had always made me feel like shit when I wasn’t interested in sex, and he’d threaten to sleep with another chick to have his needs met. We had never been dating, but I wasn’t on board with sleeping with a guy who was in bed with other girls on other nights.

I’d only just ended things with Reed (though Tea was technically the one who’d done that) and I already felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Reed had dragged me down for far too long.

But Ford didn’t seem like he had any intentions of dragging me down; if anything, he seemed pretty damn set on making things easier for me.

You know, when he was in human form. The wolf was an entirely different beast.

“Are there any guys in your pack who would come and keep their mouths shut about it?” I checked. “I don’t want them talking about us while we figure things out.”

Ford gave me a wry grin. “Not likely. The pack doesn’t do secrets, unless they’re between mates.” He gestured between us.