If it came down to it, I could probably get out the door and hold it closed to protect myself from the wolf. It wouldn’t buy me a lot of time, but it would buy me a little.

“Basically, a werewolf is two creatures smooshed into one. You have the wolf, and the human.” Tea held up both her hands, holding them out in front of her. “It’s some kind of curse. There are other supernatural creatures out there too, but they usually keep to themselves, so I haven’t talked to anyone who really knows much about the other kinds of supernaturals.”

I blinked.

A lot.

Holy freakin’ hell.

“And you dragged me into this why?”

“I didn’t. None of us have any control over when or if a wolf chooses his mate. When your eyes collided, magic or nature just sort of happened. Anyway, like I was saying, you have a wolf and a human.” She waved both of her hands, which were still out in front of her. “In a werewolf, they’re trapped together. Like this.”

She clapped her hands together, her palms pressed into each other flatly. “The wolf and human share one physical form, but they can’t communicate at all. They see out of each other’s eyes, and can only be wolf or human at any given time, so they’re both aware of what’s going on constantly. But they have no impact on each other. Does that make sense?”

“None of this makes sense,” I tossed at her, frustrated and annoyed and just plain panicked.

“Okay, but in the most basic way, this makes sense to you.” She waited.

She knew how I worked, same as I knew how she did. Or thought I knew, anyway. We both picked things up really quickly, learning and memorizing faster than we probably should’ve been able to. It made life easier, most of the time.

“Yes,” I finally grumbled.

“So the mate thing.” Tea grimaced. “It’s a lot, okay? Ford-the-guy had zero say in this matter; his wolf picked you. And now that he’s found you, he’s hunting you.”

“Hunting?” My voice grew shrill again. I hated it, but considering the situation, wasn’t going to blame myself.

“Hunting.” Tea confirmed. “The wolf has complete control, and he’s going to hold on to that control until he bites you and you become a werewolf too.”

My lips parted. “What?”

She ignored the question, dropping her connected palms as she leaned toward me. “He’ll hunt you until he thinks you’re ready to change, or until he thinks he’s going to lose you unless he bites you. If Reed shows up here, there’s an extremely good chance that Ford will either kill him, bite you, or both.”


This just got shittier by the minute, didn’t it?

“For now, he’s basically a big possessive dog. Remember how Jesse was when I brought him to our dorm? That’s how Ford is going to be. He’s not going to leave you. You might be able to talk him into going to the school with you, like Jesse did with me, but Ford is really different from Jesse. He’s intense and mysterious, and yes, funny, but in a different way. Plus he’s the pack’s beta, so his wolf is really different too.”

Pack’s beta?

Intense and mysterious?

How the hell had this become my life?

“Anyway, now I’m overwhelming you.” Tea changed the subject. “I’ll stop by my place and grab you some clothes for now; when Ford’s calmed down a bit we can go back to the dorm and grab some more of your stuff. My house is the only one in that direction, I’m on the end of the row.” She pointed toward the wall behind her as she slid off the chair. “For the record, Ebb, I really am sorry that you didn’t have a choice in all of this. Meeting Jesse was the best thing that ever happened to me, but it took me a while to feel that way. I hope you know you can trust me, and talk to me.”

She sounded honest, but there wasn’t a chance in hell that I was trusting anything she was saying at the moment.

She gave me a small, sad smile before striding toward the door. Ford stood and moved away, giving her space to get out, but she paused in the doorway before turning to look at me.

“I forgot to add, werewolves do this weird thing before meeting their mates. They call it nesting, and it’s like how pregnant women get ready for babies. The guys stock up on food and supplies, preparing their home for a woman. It’s weird, but nice too. So when you see girly shampoo in the bathroom, don’t be weirded out.”

She turned around, then paused, and turned back. “Also, hunting wolves don’t sleep. So if he acts like he’s sleeping, don’t believe him. And the wolves have been seeing the world through human eyes for most of their lives, so they’re smarter than they might seem. Okay, now I’m really leaving.” She finally slipped out, leaving me alone with Ford.

My eyes landed on the wolf. He stared at me with creepy red eyes—terrifying for sure.

I stared back.