“Good. We’ve got to get to Rocco’s place for dinner.”



“I’ll take the blame for keeping it a secret,” Ford said, flashing me a smirk. “I’ll tell them I wanted to keep you all to myself.”

I snorted. “Teagan won’t buy that, but you can try. It would probably be better if I just admit that I wasn’t ready to make it official.”

“Only if you’re comfortable with that.” His hand slid over the curve of my hip.

“Why not?” I shrugged. “They seem like they’d probably understand. And considering it sounds like it took Teagan multiple months to come around to all of this, I think I’m winning.”

He chuckled. “I’ll be sure to rub that in Jesse’s face.”

I laughed. “Alright, I’m hungry. Let’s go.”

He opened the door and set me outside, then slipped out himself. He grabbed my stuff from the back, then grabbed my hand and led me inside the house. After he set the bag on our kitchen table, we headed out through the front door.

Ford’s fingers were laced through mine as we walked past Elliot’s house, and then up to the front door of Rocco’s. I reached a hand out to knock, but Ford grabbed the doorknob and opened the door up without a moment of hesitation.

“What the hell?” Teagan exclaimed, she and a few of the other guys leaning over her phone. “He’s not hunting anymore?”

“He didn’t kill the naked guy?” One of the men I didn’t recognize raised his eyebrows.


Were they watching the video of what had happened outside my dorm room?

“Surprise,” Ford drawled.

All of their eyes lifted to ours.

I waited for their anger, but instead, grins burst out around the room.

“You’re human!” Tea jumped up, hurrying across the room.

My wolf surged forward, and I stumbled out in front of Ford. Tea stopped a foot away, her expression growing mischievous. “Possessive, huh?”

“A little,” I grumbled.

She laughed, and instead of hugging Ford, threw her arms around me.

The other guys came over, slapping Ford on the back and congratulating him. They greeted me too but didn’t touch me, which was probably a good call.

Elliot and one of the other guys—Zed—cooked up burgers in the kitchen while Ford and I explained what had happened and how quickly his wolf had bitten me. Everyone seemed to think it was hilarious that I’d told him to bite me so soon after meeting, though I saw jealousy in a few of the other guy’s eyes, and couldn’t help but remember what I’d read in Ford’s journal that first night.

The werewolves wanted mates so badly but they also didn’t want to disrupt the humans’ lives, which made the whole thing a mess for everyone involved.

But… I was kind of glad about the mess.

Though he had made my life much more complicated, Ford had also made it better already.

After we finished telling our story, the dinner turned into a get-to-know-you thing. We all asked questions and traded answers, and it was actually kind of fun.

I learned that all of the guys except Jesse and Ford had graduated with various degrees in the past year. Rocco and Elliot were high school teachers of history and math respectively—which seemed to fit them perfectly—and Zed was a chef. I’d already known that Jesse was a software engineer thanks to Teagan, but I also learned that Dax was an accountant. He was the quietest one of the group, but there was something steady about him that I liked immediately.

Though I tried to remember which guy had which of the pack roles on the sheet Elliot had written up for me, I couldn’t recall who was what or what each of the roles were, which annoyed me. I’d decided to memorize the paper’s contents ASAP before the dinner even ended.