How had Ford’s wolf found her?

My curiosity had exploded into full-blown interest. I had so many questions to ask Ford about how our wolves tracked, how they could hunt each other. How good was their sense of smell? It had to be insanely strong if he had been able to smell her even after she rolled in the snow

Ford’s smell grew stronger, until I could hear his paws crunching in the snow as he ran. She glanced over at him as he caught up to her, running at her side with his fur brushing hers.

She licked at his muzzle, and he moved a bit so his side was pressed to hers as they ran together.

Though they slowed a little, they continued covering ground in the forest, their bodies almost constantly pressed together as they explored. Eventually, they stopped long enough to wrestle a bit and ended up snuggling on the ground, unbothered by the snow beneath them as they licked each other and rubbed their faces together.

By the time they finally made their way back to Ford’s townhouse, the sun was starting to rise.

I was relaxed when my wolf gave the control back to me, so even though the pain hit me, it was over faster than it had been the last time.

And the first thing I felt when the pain faded? Hunger.

I groaned as Ford picked me up, my hands pressed to my abdomen. The whole damn thing was one big, empty cramp.

Ford’s lips brushed my forehead. “I’ll feed you.”

It was odd; being kissed on the forehead. I couldn’t remember ever having anyone kiss me there before. My grandparents had kissed the top of my head, and my mom had kissed my cheek, but my forehead…

Apparently, I liked being kissed there.

Guess you learned something new every day.

Ford tugged his sliding glass back door open, stepping through and shutting it. The blissful heat of his house had me groaning again, for an entirely different reason. I hadn’t realized how cold I was before, but damn. I’d been freezing.

Ford set me down on one of the chairs at his kitchen table, tucking my feet up onto the footrest before he slid the chair in and headed to the kitchen.

My cheek rested on the smooth wood of the table as I watched Ford’s ass. He tugged the fridge open, peering inside for a moment before grabbing a few things and setting them on the counter.

I’m pretty sure I was drooling when he opened the freezer, pulling out a bunch more things. I’d frozen the majority of the fridge’s contents before I left his place with his wolf, so I knew there was plenty to eat in there.

My arms wrapped around my chest when he walked back around the counter, giving me an eyeful of his gloriously naked body.



If I hadn’t been so hungry, I would’ve jumped him again.

My thighs pressed together and my arms tightened around my bare tits.

There was far too much gorgeous nudity in that room for me to be anything other than turned on.

I didn’t say a word as I stared at Ford while he got out a couple of pans. Eggs were cracked into them, frozen vegetables chopped, cheese tossed in on top…

And I just stared.

My mind was so deep in the gutter it wasn’t even funny.

Not so deep in the gutter that I didn’t pick up the fork he handed me and immediately start shoveling eggs down my throat, though.

Ford refilled my plate every time I cleared it for at least the next half an hour, not uttering a word of complaint. His fingers brushed my shoulder, tugged lightly on my ear, trailed up my spine. He touched me differently every time he was near me, like he couldn’t help himself.

And I was still so freakin’ horny.

When I finally started to feel full, I glanced at the clock.