“Of course.” His lips brushed my forehead.

It occurred to me then that I’d never asked about his penname.

“What does the L stand for? On your books, your name is L.F. Welsh.”

“Lewis. My first name’s Lewis; Ford is my middle name.”

I frowned.

How had I not known that?

“Your family didn’t even call you Lewis, though.”

“It’s Zed’s last name, so it was a pain in my pack when we were kids. I decided to go by Ford when I was five or six, and after a while, my family went along with it. It fits me better, anyway.”

I agreed with that.

“Alright, so what’s the plan?” I asked him, sitting up a bit straighter.

“Study, eat, cuddle, then sleep,” he said, ticking off the items on our schedule.

My lips curved upward at the easy way he listed them off. “I can’t believe you’re so comfortable calling it ‘cuddling’.”

He chuckled. “What else would I call it? Pillow talk? Fucking? If I wrote that on the schedule and someone else saw it, I’d have to kill them.”

I laughed. “I guess cuddling is the most neutral term.”

“And if any of the guys teased me about it, we’d both know they were just jealous that I’ve got you while they’re still waiting to find their mate.” His fingers brushed my arm. “It was rough for all of us when Jesse found Teagan. We were all glad he found her, and glad that the pack was growing, but it hits you hard when your brother’s found his girl and you’re still living alone, hanging with the guys. Werewolves are driven to form families; none of us wants to be alone.”

My heart hurt for them.

“Well, at least you didn’t have to wait long for me. Jesse and Tea have only been together three or four months.”

“Mmhmm.” His lips brushed my forehead again. “And a lot of that time, he was in wolf form. I got lucky that my wolf didn’t hunt long.”

I guess he had. I was already wishing my wolf would finish chasing him so we could get on with our lives without being so connected at the hip.

“After The Chase is over, we’ll be able to be apart, right?”

“Yeah. Our wolves will take over and find each other if we’re apart for more than a day or two, though. Some wolves can make it a few days away from their mates without acting up, but… well, I don’t think my wolf will be one of them.

I didn’t think so either.

“That’s alright. It’s not exactly painful for me to be around you,” I teased him lightly.

He chuckled. “Really? And here I thought you were dying to get away from me.” He tickled the back of my neck with his knuckle, and I squirmed as a laugh burst from me. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself.” He dragged me back to his chest, holding me close. “Let’s go in and get to work. I’ll order the food.”

“Of course you will,” I sighed, turning my head to kiss him on the neck. “Because you’re perfect.”

“I’m far from perfect.”

“Agree to disagree on that one.” I licked his neck, and then nibbled at his skin there before picking my head up. “Alright, let’s do it.”

“Again? Already?” He flashed me a devious grin, and I knew he was teasing me.

I laughed and swatted him on the arm. “Jerk. You can’t make fun of me for being horny when I can feel your erection.”