Ford asked if Rocco wanted us to stay, but he admitted that he wanted to be alone for a while and was going to try to get some rest, so we headed back to our place.

Elliot texted us to let us all know that Rocco’s parents’ pack would keep them fed for a month or two to give them time to cope, so we didn’t need to worry about feeding them again. And that meant Rocco was the only person we needed to think about.

But… there was a lot to think about.

We took our food up to our bed, forgetting to grab forks on the way. When we realized what we’d done, we were too tired to go grab them, so we mutually decided to eat with our hands. It wasn’t our finest moment, but we didn’t give a shit.

After we finished eating, we stripped to our underwear and just held each other. I closed my eyes and listened to Ford’s heartbeat for a long while, until he whispered, “Ebb?”

“Mmhm?” I murmured back.

“What are we going to tell him about the hallway?”

I knew immediately what he was talking about.

The fact that he might’ve smelled his mate.

And after losing his brother because of his brother’s mate… well, I wasn’t sure he would be ready to meet her anytime soon, whoever she was.

“I don’t think we should tell him anything unless we know he wants to know,” I finally admitted. “After what just happened…”

“I know. I don’t want to lie to him, though,” Ford admitted.

“That’s a good point. We don’t want him to feel like we kept something from him; we want him to trust us.”

Ford’s hand stroked my arm softly. “We’ll wait until he’s moved back home, and tell him then.”

I nodded lightly, my cheek rubbing slightly on his chest. “Does this happen often?”

“No. Not more than once or twice a year. Most matings work out.”

“Good.” I closed my eyes. “I don’t know if I can sleep.”

“I don’t know if I can either,” he admitted. “When a wolf decides to end The Chase with a rejection, she won’t let the guy who hunted her touch her ever again; she’ll physically take over to stop it from happening. Every time I close my eyes, I see you stepping away from me in horror as your wolf starts to take control.”

I sighed, and pulled myself further up Ford’s body. “I’m sorry. That’s never going to happen, but I understand why it scares you.”

Honestly, it scared me a little too.

The fact that my wolf could make a decision that could possibly mean the end of Ford’s life, and I might have no say over it? It was terrifying.

I didn’t want to know what had happened… but at the same time, I felt like I needed to know so I could be aware of what could potentially happen to Ford.

“What happened out there?” I whispered to him.

“Did you see the blood, when he shifted?” Ford murmured.

I nodded.

His hand stroked my arm. “That happens when the human’s given himself to the wolf. There’s no returning from that. You become fully-animalistic. The pack has to follow the wolf until they figure out whether or not he’s become violent, and if he has, they have to end his life for the safety of other humans and wolves.”

“What if he’s not violent?” I whispered.

“Then they let him go.”

Tears stung my eyes.

I’d thought for sure that he was dead.