Ford sighed and dropped the phone in the cup holder between us. “That went better than I expected.”

I lifted an eyebrow. “How could it have gone worse?”

“He could’ve said I was a bastard for keeping it a secret and told me to fuck off.”


“Alright, well, we tried. I’ll annoy him about it in a few months, when he’s in a better place.”

Ford nodded, and we headed up the stairs.

Though I’d figured out ways to keep my wolf from taking over and trying to rip anyone’s throat out, she still got pissy when Ford was around a lot of other women, so I wasn’t surprised that she made her presence known to me when we heard a bunch of other women laughing in my hallway.

Ford’s hand left mine so it could drape around my shoulder, marking me as his as we approached a group of laughing girls.

“Look, the rules are the rules,” Del said, her face growing red as she flung her hands out at her sides. “Respect them, or get the fuck out of my dorms.”

“Madeline,” a stuck-up male voice barked.

She spun around, and I caught a glimpse of Sterling, the asshole who was her male counterpart. “The hall director wants to have a word with you.”

She mumbled something under her breath that sounded a lot like, “Dammit.”

Without another word, she turned and headed down the hall.

I bit my lip, watching her go. I still owed her an extra thank you for introducing me to her videographer friend, and for helping me with the Reed incident earlier in the semester. Plus, I needed to give her my keys and wanted to say goodbye. I knew she was walking at graduation the next day, having finished up with her degree.

Ford and I slipped into my room, packing the things I’d left a few months ago, just in case we needed to stay the night in the dorm or anything. That only took a couple of minutes, and then I gave one last look to the room that had been the beginning of the next chapter of my life.

If not for the room, I would never have met Teagan. And if not for Teagan, I would never have met Ford. So I was really damn glad that I’d ended up in that exact dorm, at exactly the right time.

I flipped the lights off and stepped into the hall, while Ford carried the backpack stuffed full of our things.

Catching his hand, I tugged him toward Del’s room. It wasn’t too far down the hall, and I knew she might still be talking to the hall director, but I knocked anyway, and then waited.

No response.

“Dammit,” I sighed.

“Damn what?” Del asked from behind me, scaring the shit out of me.

I spun around, my hand going to my chest as my heart pounded.

“Damn you!” I exclaimed. “Don’t sneak up on people like that!”

She flashed me an unapologetic grin. “Sorry.”

I lifted an eyebrow at her and she opened the door, gesturing for Ford and I to come in.

“All packed up?” I checked, looking around her room. Everything was in suitcases, duffel bags, and trash bags. Her car wasn’t big, so I figured she’d forgone the boxes just so she could shove everything in.

“Yep.” She popped her lips on the “p”.

“Where are you headed?”

“Eh.” She shrugged. “I’ll drive until my car breaks down. Probably won’t make it far. One state over, maybe?” She pointed north with her thumb.

I frowned. “Don’t you have family to stay with while you figure your shit out?”