A few weeksafter school started again, I met up with Ebony on a Wednesday evening. We'd kept up with the tradition, though sometimes our little dinners were fairly short. It was hard to talk to her without telling her about the werewolf part of my life, but it was better than not talking to her at all.

She showed up looking a bit frazzled—and she never looked frazzled.

"Tea." She gestured me toward a table.

I glanced at the sandwich line, my stomach rumbling. Jesse was meeting me there after he got off work, so we could eat dinner together. It was going to be a second dinner for me, but second dinner had become necessary. Often, third dinner too.

Giving it a sad look, I sat down across from Ebony.

"What's up?" I asked. We usually didn't beat around the bush before getting food and shoving it down our gullets. Now that I had a sugar daddy, I could afford to eat out once or twice a week. I still felt shitty about accepting Jesse's money, but I was working through that, and we'd agreed that if we were going to be mated, we were going to share a bank account.

And he was really damn good at reminding me that buying me food was the least he could do for turning me into a constantly-hungry werewolf.

"I saw this video, from last semester," she said. There were dark circles under her eyes, and her gaze was stricken. She held her phone out to me, and showed me the video—the one where Jesse had shifted.

"Isn't that your dog?" she asked. Her dark skin was ashen, and her expression told me she already knew the answer.

"It is," I confirmed.

She fast forwarded a few seconds, to the part where Jesse's bare ass showed as he talked sense into my wolf. "And isn't that your roommate?" she pointed to his ass.

My wolf threatened to surge, and I took slow breaths to try to calm her. We'd started figuring out how to live together a bit more peacefully. It was slow-going, given that we couldn't communicate, but it was progress.

"It's hard to say, really," I tried to lie to her, but I could see in her eyes that she wasn't going to believe anything I said.

Her voice lowered. "There's only one possibility here, Tea. He's a werewolf. Your friend, roommate, boyfriend... he's a werewolf."

I forced a laugh. "That's crazy. Werewolves don't exist."

"I know, I know it sounds crazy, but my friend's a videographer and he thinks the video is legit. And if it's legit, that's the only logical explanation. He's a werewolf."

The door to the sub shop opened, and Jesse came strolling in with Ford and Rocco.

He was early.


"Hey, Teapot," Jesse walked over, bending down to kiss my temple. "Hey, Ebony." He nodded at my friend.

She looked like she was going to hyperventilate, or pass out or something.

"You okay there, pretty—" Ford halted as his eyes collided with Ebony's. Then, they shifted to red.

My heart dropped into my stomach.

I knew exactly what he was going to say next.


Jesse and Rocco grabbed Ford, shoving him back out the door. Ebony looked at me, panic engraved in every line of her face. "His eyes changed! You can't tell me he's not one of them!"

I slid her arm over my shoulder to keep her upright, since she looked dangerously close to fainting.

"He's a werewolf. All of us are. I've got a lot to tell you." I led her out to Ford's car, where Jesse and Rocco were shoving a snarling, shifting Ford into the back seat. "You're going to have to come with us," I apologized. "After we talk, you can go home. But there's a lot to talk about."

I set her in the passenger seat, walking around to the driver's side. Jesse tossed me the keys, and I slipped into the driver's seat as the guys slammed the doors, squishing into the back on both sides of Ford.

Ebony was staring at the shifting man like he was going to eat her, and not in the fun way.

"He won't hurt you," I promised. "You're his mate; he can't. I learned that firsthand."

I pulled away from the shop, my stomach still growling as my gaze met Jesse's in the rearview mirror.

He gave me a small smile, and I returned it.

At least we didn't have to kidnap her.

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