Yawning, I sat up.

Damn, my body hurt.

"What now?" I asked the wolf.

He slowly slid out from under me, his eyes sweeping the medical supplies on the ground. His nose touched a tube I recognized, and I picked it up.

Triple Antibiotic Ointment.

Maybe he did know what he was doing.

He used his nose to gesture to the bottoms of my feet.

"I know how to use this," I told him.

It took me a while to spread it over my blisters. When that was done, the wolf pointed to some square-shaped gauze pads and a roll of what looked like tape.

I slapped the gauze on my feet, used a little tape to keep it there, and then grabbed Jesse's socks off the ground. Wrestling one on without too much pain or swearing, I looked over at the other sock and stared for a minute.

"Dammit," I finally said.

The wolf tilted his head. It was kind of adorable, not that I’d admit it.

"I haven't showered yet. I stink," I gestured to my feet. "I'm going to have to redo all of this."

The wolf shook his head at me. He gestured to the shower, which was one of those combination shower-tubs.

I waited for more of an explanation.

He hopped into the tub with ease, then rolled to his back. His back legs popped over the edge of the tub, and he wiggled them around.

"Clever bastard," I muttered, shaking my head as I eased the second sock on. "Now, out." I pointed to the door.

He gave me puppy dog eyes, and I grabbed the Febreze again. "I will use this."