"You are completely insane,"I looked around for something to throw at him but came up empty-handed.

"The wolves are dicks, but they do understand the human world. If he bites you, you'll become one of us. Or die, but that's not likely."

"You're talking about them like they're separate from you.”

I'd deal with the death thing afterward.

"They are separate from us."

My eyebrows lifted.

"I know it sounds crazy." Ford jumped up on the counter, his gigantic legs dangling off the edge.

Damn, he was gorgeous.

Jesse growled at him, and he slid back to his feet.

"Basically, a werewolf is like this." He grabbed the salt and pepper shakers off the counter and held them toward me. "This is the human." He shook the salt around. "This is the wolf." He shook the pepper. "Two completely separate living beings. A long time ago, a wolf and a human became friends. They pissed off a witch coven—a really damn powerful one—and the witches combined their magic to trap the wolf and human in one body."

Ford plopped the saltshaker on top of the peppershaker. "They created the first werewolf, and assumed he wouldn't be able to reproduce, which added another level to the punishment. But nature has rules, and not even witches can go against those rules. His wolf found a human mate and hunted her, then when he bit her, she became like him. They popped out a couple babies, and the babies found human mates and popped out more babies, and so on." He dropped the saltshakers.

"You're two beings in one body; that doesn't make you two separate beings," I countered.

"Well, actually," he grabbed the salt and pepper again, stacking them on top of each other like he had before. "Imagine it like this. The wolf and the human share one form, but two entire bodies and souls and minds. There's no magic that makes it possible for us to communicate, so we're stuck. The wolves are stuck with humans, watching the world through the human's eyes without a way to interact with the person they're pretty much riding inside, and the humans are stuck with animals they have no way to control or communicate with."

Well, that did make more sense.

"Then why do you call the wolf Jesse?"

"That was the name his parents gave him." Ford shrugged. "We're trapped in one form; it makes sense to go by one name."

"So when you say the wolf is hunting me..."

"Jesse the wolf is hunting you. He'll have complete control of their body until he bites you," Ford confirmed. "But he wants you to want to be bitten, because history has proved that if you're okay with it, you've got a better chance at surviving."

"And what's going to happen when Jesse the man takes over for Jesse the wolf?" I checked.

Ford dropped the salt and pepper again and scratched the back of his neck.

Was he blushing?

"The mating call works on werewolves both in wolf and human form. For wolves, it's the hunting. For humans, it's lust."

"Lust?" My voice raised an octave.

Ford nodded.

I waited for more of an explanation, but it didn't come.

"You're telling me that after this wolf bites me, I'm going to have an ultra-horny guy trying to rape me?!" I demanded.

"No, no, no." Ford held his hands out in front of himself, telling me to stop. "The wolves inside us are focused on one thing: family. It's the center of our society, and why we work in packs. Me and the other guys you met, we're all Jesse's pack."

He explained, "There's this human idea about alphas being assholes who charm the pants off everything with a vagina and take what they want no matter what, but that's not how wolves are. In the wild, an alpha wolf is the dad of the pack. His mate and his kids make up the rest of the pack, and he protects them above all else. That's why Jesse the wolf was growling at us when you hit your head in the van; his first priority is protecting you, his mate. He could never rape you or anyone else, because he could never hurt you."

"He's going to bite me.” I folded my arms. "I'd call that hurting me."