"You ditched school to buy a dog?"Ebony's curly black hair was up in a bun, her dark brown skin and chocolate-colored eyes framed by loose curls she’d purposefully left out. She was tall and slim, and I’d always been jealous of how long her arms were.

Yes, it was a stupid thing to be jealous about, but short arms suck.

"You don't even really like dogs,” she reminded me.

Yeah, I was aware.

"I've been feeling really overwhelmed since the semester started, and my mom convinced me an emotional support dog would help," I lied. "I'll probably come to regret it, but he's trained at least."

"Where did you get the money?" Ebony frowned.

Damn smart roommate.

"Mom paid and showed up with him. She wouldn't take no for an answer." I rolled my eyes, hoping Ebony bought the story.

"What kind of dog is he?" She eyed the monster, clearly uncertain about sharing our tiny dorm room with the wolf.

"A wolfdog," I said easily. I knew that was a real type of dog, because my mom had nearly picked one of those when she decided she wanted a dog a few years back. But she'd ended up with Gallifrey, her German Shepherd, instead. And I didn’t love dogs, but Gallifrey and I had developed a tenuous alliance so I had a soft spot for him. “He’s trained.”

I felt like shit for making crap up, but it wasn't like I could tell her Jesse was a werewolf that was hunting me because he wanted to make me into a werewolf and then make babies with me.

"Did you clear it with Madeline?" Ebony checked.

That was one thing I couldn't lie about.

"Not yet," I admitted. "I was hoping he could charm her into letting it slide."

Our dorm didn't technically allow pets, but there were a few girls with emotional support cats and small dogs. An emotional support wolf would be a much harder sell, but Madeline (our RA) was pretty easy-going.

"Alright, let's go." She tilted her head toward the door, still eyeing Jesse. I opened the back door, gesturing him inside. He jumped in, and I tossed the leash in behind him before shutting it.

I sat down on my own seat, and found Ebony giving the wolf the stink-eye.

"Don't lick me," she warned.

He gave a solemn nod.

Seriously? I'd been trying to get him to quit licking me since we met.

"Did he just nod?" she asked.

"He was trained to do that." I spewed more bullshit. "So his owner could talk to him and feel heard."

He nodded at her again, and she laughed.

"That's actually kind of cute."

I shrugged. "I have mixed feelings about it."

She pulled away from the road. "Holy shit, Tea. What happened to your feet?"

That was going to be a harder lie to pull off.

They were wrapped up, but the bandages looked like they'd been through hell. "I took Jesse on a long walk wearing my converse, and came back with a bunch of terrible blisters," I admitted. "Threw them away in a fit of rage afterward."

She looked alarmed. "Maybe you do need a support dog."