I’d only been thinking about my survival, then.

The wolf followed me to the car. When I opened the driver's side door, he slipped inside and jumped over to the passenger seat.

Guess he was going to school with me.

"You won't be allowed in the classes," I warned.

He snorted.

Did that mean he'd already known that, or that he was going to shove his way inside anyway?

I hoped it was the former. Otherwise, someone was bound to get suspicious of the "wolfdog".

There was a button clipped to the visor, and I recognized it as a garage button so I pressed it. The garage door raised, and I backed out. Just the pressure of my foot on the gas pedal hurt.

Hopefully the pain meds would kick in soon.

Two of Jesse's friends were outside, shirtless, and tossing a football back and forth. I was pretty sure their names were Rocco and Elliot.

Maybe they were a football team after all.

They waved as I passed. I debated not waving back out of principle since the assholes had kidnapped me, but that felt unnecessary, so I just waved back.

My stomach growled as I sipped my water. Jesse growled back at it.

"I'm fine. It'll stop," I told the wolf.

He huffed.

Both my stomach and Jesse continued to growl at each other throughout the drive to my school. When I got there, I passed a sign about parking permits.

"Shit," I mumbled.

I hadn't considered a parking pass. They were expensive. My mom and I had talked about the insane price of parking when I first decided I'd go to school there. The price was more than I had in my whole damn bank account, at the moment.

My eyes landed on a parking meter—easier than a permit, and a temporary solution. It was eight bucks for all day parking. Eight times three, for three days a week of parking, times four for four weeks a month, times three for three months...


Shit, shit, shit.

Almost three hundred bucks.

Maybe the local animal shelter was hiring.

Maybe someone wanted to buy a wolfdog.

I glanced at Jesse.

Unfortunately, even I wasn't cruel enough to sic him on someone else.

Sliding my debit card, I considered just going ahead and telling the wolf to bite me. It would sure save me an assload of stress if I died instead of changing.

But I wasn't ready to die, so that was off the table.

I grabbed my bag out of the back seat and headed toward the building that held my first class. Jesse trotted beside me. Everyone we passed stared at him, or tried to pet him.

He dodged their hands, remaining at my side.